I promise

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A/N: guys this is just a short chapter



Its been a week but Sehun didn't bother to visit Jiyeon. Luhan, being his hyung is worried. He's been locking himself in his room all week, he didn't eat. When Luhan will try to talk to him, he will just stare nowhere in particular.

That days when Jiyeon was in the hospital, the doctor said that she will be discharged soon as long as her test was done. She's still confused about the boy he met a week ago. Somehow she felt guilty even if she only ask who is he, she saw the pain in his eyes.


Sehun's POV

Luhan hyung keep convincing me to visit her, he said that she will not remember bet if I keep locking here in my room.

I gotta get back to reality that everything will be back. Her memory will back, she will remember me and she will love me again.

I got up and fix myself, obviously I look like a zombie right now, I get my car keys and made my way to the hospital.

When I reached the hospital,  I immediately run to her room, but then I saw someone holding her hand while she was sleeping. He saw me then he stand up, he walk towards me and said "Hi! I'm Kim SeokJin, Jiyeon's brother"


I accepted his hand and shook it. "I'm Sehun, Jiyeon's bo..boy..friend"

"Ooh so you are the one that my sister's talking about when I'm away. She keep telling me about you, she said that you're very handsome and you're good at dancing. When we talk she even start fangirling when I say your name...."

He stop talking for awhile, then he continue

"She really love you Sehun, she really do. I hope you understand that she have an amnesia. If she don't remember you please make her. I know you can make her happy. Please take care of her..." he said then he pat my shoulder

"I will hyung I promise.."

Me and her brother talk for awhile. She and Jin hyung is really close when they were younger,  people sometimes thought that they were a couple because of their closeness.

She woke up once her brother leave. She saw me and she asked me again.

"Who are you? you look really familiar.. "

"Sehun.. your boyfriend" she look at me for a long time.

"So Sehun, can you help me remember everything again?


Hoi gois!!! sorry I took a long time to update. please forgive me and sorry for any typos :D

BUUUUT!! GOIS!! please read my Luhan fanfic and.. should I continue my Baekhyun story?



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