Chapter 6

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I wake up slowly yawning as I stretch my legs.

Was there something important that happened?

Then the events of yesterday hit me hard

Is every one alright?!

I stand up quickly but notice I'm in my own room..?

I open the door out and walk out baffled that it's so silent

"Y/N Morning" Elizabeth calls out holding a plate with some pancakes on.

I wave confused 

"Uhm Elizabeth what happened yesterday?" I ask curiously

"Well you unleashed your special attack and.. Let's just say that he didn't live" She says a shakily with an exited grin

My mouth hangs wide.. He's really gone?

I hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and look up

"Y/N! Morning" Meliodas says grinning

I smile softly feeling relief that he's perfectly fine? He's not the slightest wounded.. But I'm not either

"What happened?" I ask

"You went all super before you passed out and Elizabeth healed us all but me"Ban says saying me sadly

Elizabeth looks down in shame 

"I'm just jokin' with ya, I'm perfect anyway" Ban says smirking holding Elizabeth by the shoulder

She blushes shyly and I laugh at it

"Hey Y/N" Meliodas asks

I look at him as he makes a sign for me to follow him

I follow him outside seeing Diane..

She looks at me and I'm expecting a cruel comment but

"Y/N, I'm sorry for how I was before. I hope we can be friends now" Diane says smiling at me

I smile widely and nod enthusiastically

I suddenly see Diane shrinking

"It's already working!" Diane shrieks 

I see King floating behind her on his pillow watching her carefully 

"Hey Kin-"

I hear nothing more as Meliodas drags me away quickly

"Meliodas are you alright?" I ask

I follow him as he drags me trough the forest

Suddenly I smell an amazing aroma it smells like flowers and we walk into a beautiful valley where red roses bloom everywhere

I'm so much in shock and in awe that I don't notice myself sitting down

"Y/N I want to tell you something important" Meliodas says staring at me

I blush slightly and nod my head taking a deep breath inhaling the scent again

"Y/N I need to confess to you.. Over the little time we've been together and I've gotten to know you I have become closer to you and I've noticed the details that nobody else notices.. Such as your kindness and how warmhearted you are. You are my special rose and out of all the beautiful flowers here you are by far the prettiest.. I love you Y/N" Meliodas says smiling softly and sweetly at me

I'm silent.. And in shock my face lights up in red and I notice Meliodas even blushing too..

I might stay silent for a bit to long 

"it's oka-" He begins but I interrupt by leaning closer to him

And we kiss.. This time not by accident this time.. We kiss for what seems for ever before we break it

"I love you too Meliodas" I say softly a bit embarrassed.

I've never really been one to show my emotions but this time it feels different Is this the feeling of love?

Butterflies in your stomach you want to smile at every second.. Just seeing the person makes you light up your mood?

In that case.. I've found true love


THE END! (Not really)

Well this is the end of the small story I've made! I hope you liked it and as this is the first ever story I've done it's fairly short but the chapters are long. This chapter is shorter since it's the end xD But this isn't really the end ;))) There will be more chapters!:)

Just wait patiently :)

592 words

Have a good day!


(Meliodas x Reader) My protective demonWhere stories live. Discover now