Chapter 11;

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"Good idea!" Diane says happily as Merlin sighs for a bit snapping her fingers as a small object that I can see appears and she turns to Diane.

"Here" she says throwing something small and brown towards Diane who swallows it and with a poof she becomes into a normal humane size and I can't do anything but just stay there like nothing happened.

"Here's a bottle" Ban says already in on the game.

"So what's the rules?" Merlin asks as every one is surprised by her asking.

"I thought you didn't want to play childish games" I say as she shakes her head.

"Why not, I do need to keep my eyes on you" she says with a wink as I smile lightly.

"Well, if you don't want to answer you have to dare. And if you refuse to do that dare.. You gotta drink an entire mug of ale!" I say giddily as all agree on it. Ban looking extremely into it now

"Me first" Diane says excitedly clapping her hands as she spins the bottle landing on Ban and she seems to smirk.

"Truth or dare Ban?" she questions as he shrugs.

"Hey Ban, let's see who can dare the most" Meliodas says competitively as Ban gives him a glint of confidence

"Dare!" he almost screams out.

"I dare you to punch yourself as hard as you can" Diane says as I mentally face palm.

"Are you sure about this Diane?" King asks on his floaty pillow as she smiles nodding.

Ban almost throws his head back as he takes a large gulp of the ale in his hand before raising his hand and turning it into a fist as he puts down the mug punching himself right across the cheek, and he stumbles to the floor as blood spews from his head.

"I won" he says continuing to drink his ale as I laugh out loud for some reason. That looked hilarious.

"My turn" he says spinning the bottle as it lands in the direction of King who seems hesitant as he visibly gulps.

"Dare or truth?" Ban says as I ignore the fact that he said it in the wrong way, drunken bastard.

"Uh, truth" he mumbles not wanting any consequences like having to use sunflower on himself. 

"Kiss the floor!" Ban says with laughter as King now looks confident over having picked Truth.

"He said truth" I say as Ban rolls his eyes.

"Are you fine with me loving Elaine?" he suddenly asks I wonder slightly who Elaine is but decide not to ask.

"No, but I may some day." King answers honestly as Ban seems to accept it and King swirls his finger as with a small gust of wind the bottle spins and lands on Meliodas.

"Truth or-" he begins.

"Dare" Meliodas says with a wink as King becomes silent for a bit obviously thinking.

"Act like Y/N" King says as I bit my lip in slight annoyance.

Meliodas slightly coughs standing up as he seems to have a mischievous look in his eyes.

"I'm sexy" he says as I turn around putting my hands on my ears as my entire face starts burning.

Oh my god he did not just say that.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry but I'm not listening as I hear laughter and I turn around seeing Ban almost rolling in the floor, I am so happy I missed what ever he did.

"Don't worry Y/N what I said was true" Meliodas says as I feel him grope me and I squeal as I almost leap back and once again laughter spreads throughout the room.

"My turn" Meliodas says with an evil look in his eyes as he spins the bottle landing on Ban.

"Perfect" he says as he knows Ban will pick dare.

"I dare you to pick truth next turn" he says as Ban's mouth turns to a line.

"No fair Cap'n" he whines as I giggle with Elizabeth and Diane.

Either way he soon accepts it and rolls the bottle landing on me as he seems to think.

"Truth or dare?" he asks as I ponder over it a bit.

"Dare" I say as I feel confident.

"I dare you too.. Use your strongest attack on me" he says as I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Right here, right now?" I ask as he nods.

"I don't wanna burn down this place" I say as he ignores it standing in front of me.

"Can we do it later.. hehe?" I say adding a nervous chuckle as he almost falls backwards drinking more as he does so.

"mhm" he says not caring as I think he's forgotten.

I spin the bottle as it lands on Elizabeth.

"Truth" she quickly speaks out as I smile

"Are you in looove?" I say prolonging the "O" as she blushes slightly shaking her head.

I accept it as she herself spins the bottle landing on Meliodas once again.

"Dare" he says quickly as she nods knowing it already.

"I dare you to, kiss Y/N!" she exclaims quickly as Ban spits out the ale in his mouth laughing loudly as I turn my head away, who knew this game would become like this.

I refuse to look up because I know he's looking at me as slight silence fills the room.

I feel something raise my chin from under my H/C and raise my head up. And suddenly his lips are on mine and I slightly close my eyes my entire face almost as hot as my flame attacks.

We passionately kiss as we break loose after about ten seconds and Diane let's out an "aweee" obviously thinking it's cute as I blush still but this time I manage to keep my head up.

I hear the bottle spinning again as it lands on Merlin

"Eh, dare" she says as he nods.

"I dare you too give me one of those shrinking things" he says as she sighs seeming to know why he wants them but she chucks him something either way and I notice it being a small round brown orb.

Merlin spins the bottle and it lands on me and I pray mentally that it isn't another one to embarrass me.

"Dare" I say again though as she nods.

"I dare you to take of your shirt" she says as my mouth falls to the floor in surprise and shock.

"Come on do it" Ban says heavily drunk as I bite my lip harshly oh no, oh no.

Diane laughs out loud to my expression as I sigh putting my hands on the edge of my t-shirt, dragging it up as my skin is exposed as Elizabeth starts laughing.

"So cruel" I mutter as I suddenly feel my head almost being thrown forward as my vision becomes incredibly blurry and my throat starts feeling like I'm going to puke.

"Y/N?!" Meliodas almost shouts as Merlin stands up.

"Y/N, what's that?" I hear Merlin say but her voice is almost like under the ocean as I slightly manage to turn my head. On my back a few strands of what looks like electricity is going up my back going from my now completely black tail as I fall to the side slightly coughing as worry spreads instead of the past laughter.

"Y/N?" Is the last thing I hear before my eyes shut and I fall unconscious.


ooo, so this was a fun lil chapter to write for you guys. Sorry for the one day delay I have over sixty flowers I need to know for my up coming test in school ._. anyway I did want to mention, please leave a comment! I really wanna know what your opinions are on my writing and ect what I can improve! Anyway, thanks!

1242 words

Have a good day!


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