Chapter 13;

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Those words fill me with complete happiness as I smile lightly.

I shake my head sharply, we had to focus now. I didn't want to die and therefor we had to hurry.

Merlin nods after every one seems ready enough snapping her fingers as she uses up a bit of energy to teleport us all to outside a gigantic forest, I was slightly confused. Why didn't she port us to Canterlot.

"To answer your questions, this is where the Shape shifters must be since it's where my magic put us" she says as I furrow my brows in confusion my tail slightly swirling around. But the others seem to understand therefor I don't question. 

Either way we start walking into the large forest, the trees seem a bit to large to actually be normal trees but that's not the weird thing. The leaves- Their completely white? 

Suddenly a sharp scream is echoed through the forest sending chills down my spine as Elizabeth seems to hug herself tightly. 

Meliodas leaped forward seeming curious as we all follow. 

The echo seems to stop as suddenly Meliodas seems confused.

"Where did the scream come from?" he asks as I point left knowing it was there.

"No it was that way" Diane says pointing right as I gulp. Shit, we're we really lost?

I can see Merlin rolling her eyes in the corner of my vision as she seems annoyed crossing her arms moving forward.

"This is an old magic trick, I recognize it." she begins.

"But, it's older than any of you put together" she says as I frown, what did that have to do with anything.

"The caster must be very skilled with magic" she says as I just look around trying to figure out where to go.

Suddenly without warning I feel a slight pang of pain run through me, like a chill but instead of "chills" it was just a surge of raw agonizing pain. I slightly stumble as attention is turned to me just as multiple twigs break in front of us.

I look up seeing a strange creature resembling a lion but with wings. A manticore I think to myself.

It roars loudly as it charges blindly ahead jumping on Ban and chowing through him like a chew toy. Blood spews everywhere, I try to move but feel drained of all energy. Yet I wished I could help.

I look at Merlin as she is about to snap her fingers before another one pounces out leaping at Elizabeth and she in a split seconds turns around and shouts;

"Perfect cube!" as those words leave her lips a purple box appears around Elizabeth protecting her from all harm.

I turn back to the one now thinking it's finished with killing Ban as he instead of rises just lays down seeming to act dead. A part of me was still worried but I threw that away as I took a few daunting steps towards it but before I could do anything a shadow ran in front of me which I recognized to be Meliodas.

With his strange blade thing he slashed the lion creature violently across the shoulder blade, but it for some reason didn't appear hurt at all. Instead just throwing him of.

I hadn't used my magic abilities for a long time, but seeing a battle in front of me I felt empowered almost excited as I ignored the lack of energy within me and ran forward summoning the familiar sword as I held it easily within my hand.

"Fire slashing blaze!" I scream my voice slightly cracking at the end as I slightly remember training this attack with Meliodas as I smile.

"Y/N no!" Meliodas screams but I had to prove that I could actually fight myself, I had felt so useless these past days.

The sword instantly sets ablaze as I rush forward against the creature the fires spreading from the sword engulfing me fully as I smirk, though this was new to me. I enjoyed it, it was a warm feeling instead of.. You know burning me alive feeling.

To my surprise the sword goes right through, almost like the creature had no skin at all but that I was just attacking.. Air?

It raises it's giant paw slashing down at me but just as it does a powerful wind blows knocking me sideways and into a nearby tree. I instantly try to stand up again but find myself immobilized. My eyes widen as I realize that this is an illusion.

The attack of the creature did no damage, but it was the wind that knocked me backwards. Who ever created these illusions must be one powerful wizard.

As my body relaxes the past adrenaline running out I feel the feeling of being drained return to me as instead of it ending there my vision slightly starts turning red in the corners slowly spreading as I start panicking. 

I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything.

I feel something pick me up but just as I feel that I feel myself being dropped again, my un moving body harshly falls to the unforgiving cold ground in the forest as I see a large thing appear in front of me.

"Finally we are reunited.." a horrifying voice whispers into my ear as I feel something sharp stick right through me and I finally manage to let out a scream of agony.

"I will kill you!" I scream as I realize I've been stabbed, but the worst part was that I couldn't even see who it was, nor what weapon it was. I couldn't see anything but red.

"Go to sleep Nova"


Idk if this was a short chapter, but man this was pretty tough to write :D ending it with a cliff hanger for you all. I wonder why that person who I'll say is a "HE" called you General huh?

Maybe your past is a bit different than you think :)

Anyway have a wonderful day!

1022 words


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