Chapter 14;

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I lay stil in the comfortable bed slightly annoyed by the constant water dripping on my face before I open my eyes slightly closing them repeatedly. I try to move but find myself still immobilized.

I feel myself panicking slightly as I look around noticing myself indeed laying in a bed and the room I'm in looks.. Normal? Almost familiar like, it was.. Very comfortable?

"Slept well Nova?" a calm but soothing voice asks as my eyes snap to a figure and to my surprise he looks kind instead of how I imagined an evil wizard would look.

"Right, my bad." he says his eyes glowing purple for a split second before you feel your body almost falling for a second but then you can move again.

You expect yourself to feel panicked but somehow you feel blissfully unaware of everything.

"My name's not Nova" you find yourself saying instead of questioning the strange man. But he just smiles.

"Don't worry about it Nova, but you must be wondering why I brought you here" he says completely ignoring me as I feel slight confusion pulling at me.

"Yeah.. Why did you knock me into a tree and you know try to kill Meliodas and the other sins?" you ask your voice becoming a bit more aggressive as he shrugs.

"Who is Meliodas?" he asks as I muster up a bit of courage to answer.

"He-" I begin as suddenly all thoughts leave your mind as I look around in utter confusion.

"I don't know" I answer as suddenly he just smirks.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask hoping this would remind me of something I had forgotten.

"You don't remember? Strange.. You came here because you wanted to join us in the war" he says with a shrug of his shoulders as you nod. Right that was why.

"Yeah,  right. Sorry to ask but what was your name?" I ask a bit sheepishly.

"I'm Titus Legatus, don't worry I never told you my name. Anyway that was not the problem, I remember who we're fighting right?" he asks almost like he wants me to answer.

"No.." you answer as suddenly he draws his sword as I flinch.

"Don't worry Nova, I'm just gonna fix that for you" he says as he points at something and you look at the tail you feel familiar with having but had never seen before. You feel at shock as before you can say anything his sword pummels down chopping the demonic tail of in a split second.

I feel both shock and anger, shock because I never knew it was there in the first place.. And the fact that it's a demon tail? But I didn't know why I felt angry?

Then came the searing pain as you fell forward and felt like vomiting.

"So that's what was preventing the poison from spreading" you hear him mutter as you can only ignore what he says as I continue to try riding myself of the horrible feeling of puking.

"Lay down Nova, and drink this. This will remove all the nausea from the demon tail" he says as you nod as he gives you a glass with a strange liquid inside.

Just before you drink it you feel something tell you not to, This isn't right you tell yourself over and over again. I just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong though and instead of putting the drink away I didn't want to look awkward. Besides this nausea was rather pestering.

I gulp the surprisingly good tasting liquid down quenching the thirst I was not aware I had as Titus looks rather pleased.

"Good, now come with me Nova. I have to show you something" he says as I instantly stand up following his every command.

"Can you summon that sword I saw you use earlier?" he asks as he turns to me as your now both outside. 

I think about what he means before it pops to your head, right I had magic. With a slight smile you flick your hand upwards and you feel the weight of a familiar sword fall in place.

"Give it to me" he says his voice now sounding harsh as you furrow your brows.

"N-" you begin but suddenly you feel a slight pain erupt in your head as you instantly oblige giving the large sword to Titus who grabs it with a smirk at his lips.

Something was wrong, but you couldn't put your finger on just what was wrong. So you ignored the feeling and continued to work  against your gut.

"Perfect, this sword can easily kill demons" he says as you frown.

"But don't demons have seven hearts?" you question slightly annoyed by the fact that he has YOUR weapon.

"Correct my dear but-" he says stopping mid sentence as he suddenly grabs your arm and you feel a shock go through you. Small flames flicker down your arms as he releases your arm grabbing one of the flame sparks.

You visibly flinch as his hand slightly starts burning but he looks unaffected.

"Fire spreads like a charm" he says as you gulp.

"Why do we need to kill demons.." You ask being clueless of why you came here in the first place.

"Don't you remember Y/N? We're here to kill Meliodas" he says the words sending shivers down your spine for some unknown reason.

"But.. Why? Wont the other sins be sad?" you ask a bit confused over how you know about the other sins. But not Meliodas.

"How annoying you still remember them" he says confusing you further as you take a frightful step back towards the door and he notices.

"It's to late for escape now my dear, you have already fallen to far into the trap Nova. And you will kill Meliodas now.

You hit the wall as the spot where your tail previously was is struck by the unforgiving wall and you let out a slight screech in pain.

"I- You can't make me" you say as you look at him with eyes burning with determination.

He's silent for a moment before smiling an awfully cruel smile.

"That's to bad then."


Sorry for a bit of sort chapter was a lil busy studying. But uh, here it is! =) 

1045 Words

Have a good day!


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