Chapter 16;

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A surge of warmth spreads through me as I run forward holding my sword as if it's a part of me. Slightly leaping upwards I make a twirl and slash a large gash wound across her leg.

Suddenly a large earth spike instantly grows up from the ground knocking me into the air as I slightly cough up blood.

"Why are you doing this?" She asks as me I feel frustration build up in me, because I had to that's why! I wanted to scream at her but even if I wanted to it was impossible. So instead I just.. Did nothing, it was futile anyway.

Suddenly I leap backwards as where I once stood a gigantic hammer now lays as I wince mentally in pain from the loud noise of it coming down.

"Please don't do this" she says speaking once again but this time I feel guilty. Almost as if I know that this is wrong. 

"Can't you remember me Y/N?" she suddenly says again peaking my interest. What did she mean? Did I know her?

Suddenly a loud cackle of a lightning bolt is heard as she let's out a scream of pain as a large bolt of lightning hits her from above. My eyes widen in shock and slight fear as I take a step backwards.

"That's enough of you yes it is yes it is!" Titus says smiling slightly to himself as shivers run down my spine. By the second he was going more and more insane.

"Diane!" a loud voice suddenly shouts echoing through my ears almost like music. 

I turn around oblivious to the fact that I just managed to "do something on my own?" as I see a light shape flying in the air with a pillow?

"King" a name escapes my lips as he stops staring at me with a shocked expression for a split second.

I knew him I was sure of it. But from where? He reminded me of a friend. 

Suddenly I feel myself being tightly held from behind as I notice a gigantic green teddy bear hugging me tightly until I suddenly feel myself start coughing. Make that strangling not hugging.

"King let her go!" another voice says as once again it feels like music is running through my ears. My heart suddenly starts beating wildly as I feel the grip around me becoming a bit less tight allowing me to breathe.

I look at my savior in golden hair as I grin widely with recognition. 

"Meliodas" I say my face lighting up as suddenly my view is obstructed as I feel some one hold something tightly against my eyes. 

"Who are they, who are they?" Titus says repeatedly making me wish I wasn't here.

"Meliodas, King and Diane. They're part of-" I stop as suddenly my mind bursts open with familiar memories.

"They're part of the seven deadly sins" I finish as I proudly announce it loudly but as I hear a dark cackle my pride disappears shortly after.

"That's to bad, very bad. Not useful very sad" he says sounding like a five year old using new words.

"King get her out of there!" a voice I recognize to be Meliodas shouts as I feel myself being moved. And I manage to free myself from the pesky blindfold.

I find myself around familiar faces. And I could name most of them. By the second I felt new memories being created or remembered it was like.. I was just remembering a dream. 

"You.. You came for me?" I question my voice slightly quivering as I still don't really believe that these people are who I think they are.

Meliodas suddenly gets right in front of my face leaning over me as I'm being held down by the giant teddy.

"I said I would always protect you" he says sweetly as I forget my worries just smiling.

"Aww is this supposed to be where the villain just watches and does nothing? Am I already defeated?" Titus says as I turn my head to look him feeling slightly afraid when I see him looking down and holding his head tightly.

"I'm not a villain though, I'm the hero. Your the bad guy, I was trying to save you Nova." He says grinning wildly as he shakes his head back and fourth.

"My name is not Nova!" I scream out finally being free from King's teddy bear?

"You should know by now Nova, no matter where you hide. I will always find you, and I will always make you run again." he continues as suddenly the sky above us makes a rumbling noise as rain slowly but surely starts pouring down.

It was almost surreal over how fast it happened. One second the sky was almost clear but the next dark grey clouds we're piling together and creating mass rain and thunder.

"I always have a trump card.." he finished as the ground starts shaking.

"What's going on Cap'n?" The white hai- Ban says as Meliodas looks around seeming unsure himself.

"Are you okay Diane?" you hear King say from behind me but chose to ignore it as I look ahead in front of me a large dragon stands proudly.

"Shush dear Nova" Titus says as I open my mouth but force myself to close it again.

This must be an illusion I tell myself there's no way a dragon appears like this. And no way he can control one.

I feel myself slowly being pulled towards him as I reluctantly walk towards him as he approaches me the dragon putting his gigantic claw in front of me making the ground shake. How is this possible? This has to be an illusion right?

"You're name is Nova, isn't that right my dear? You didn't leave me for him did you?" Titus asks his madness seeming to have no end.

"Fox hunt!" I hear a voice scream as my mind slightly floods with memories. It was almost like having a mild migraine. It hurt, but I could withstand it.

"Enough!" I scream the sword in my hand becoming almost lighter in a way as I hold it up high and slash it down but he dodges just winking towards me. He continues easily avoiding my blows.

A loud roar suddenly fills the air as how red flames fly downwards setting fire to everything instantly. Any normal person would dodge it but I stand right in it ignoring the slight feeling of burning as I wanted to show of some sheer power.

But he does the same. Smiling sadistically as if nothings happened. 

I feel myself take a step back in slight fear, he matched all my powers but almost greater. In that instant moment I see a flash as he grabs my sword holding it tightly against my throat.

The dragon let's out another roar it's giant wings expanding out making the sun seem like it's suddenly disappeared as his giant claw is settled right in front of me making me flinch.

"S-Stop" I say having little hope that my words will be effective as I see a glimpse of Meliodas almost slashing down the dragon with ease.

I close my eyes focusing on something new as I take my foot upwards slightly and slam it downwards a spark of F/C flames trail along the direction my foot is pointing in flashing brightly making Meliodas attention slightly turn towards the new color flashing flames.

My heart almost stops when he does nothing but just stare almost in a shocked state for a few seconds.

Titus takes a few steps back as suddenly Diane let's out a loud battle cry a large pillar of pure metal almost flashing up the ground building a point at the end which pierces through the dragons scales as if it was a toy.

"H-How- No! That doesn't matter. You wont take another step if you value Nova's life"

"Cap'n?" I hear Ban ask as my eyes snap to Meliodas and I blink repeatedly wondering if I was seeing things.

Demon mark!


Oh my gawsh I just realized that I hit 10k readers :o and also this chapter may be slightly confusing as I read it over again. If it's to confusing to understand please comment on a section or just simply say that it's to confusing to understand. And I'll try to edit it ^^

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