Hello Everybody!

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"Hello everybody, my name is Mark, and welcome to another uh... vlog? I guess? Ah shit- hey Ethan!" Mark looked away from the camera as a skinny and young blue haired man peeked into the room.

"Yeah?" Ethan chirped.

"Should I call this a vlog or just a data log?" Mark called back. Ethan shrugged and continued walking.

"I don't know dude, it's your data terminal, your life."

"Right, ok..." Mark sighed and smiled nervously at the camera. "Sorry. Hi. How you guys doing?" He gave a one-note chuckle and ran his hand through his hair. "So if you guys know anything about me, you know that I am absolutely in love with space, right?" He asked; he then grinned, getting up and turning the camera to the window. "Well, here you go then! We're in space!" Mark was giddy with enthusiasm as the stupid grin stuck on his face. "Isn't it beautiful out there? It's just so beautiful... the elegance, the story of why. God I love space... Oh it's so pretty..." Mark then cleared his throat and fixed the camera, taking a seat once more on the cold metallic floor.

"Anyways, let me explain a few things since my first "vlog" was just me rambling pointlessly about myself so that you guys could get to know me and why I came aboard this venture. Now as you guys know, I'm an engineer who is a complete geek when it comes to space." He glanced at the window and smiled again. "I had to go on this diet, and I've been training for a little while before being ship-ready, so I'm pretty ripped and got these big muscles." He flexed his arm to show this with a crooked grin as he continued. "Ethan is one of my friends aboard the Aurora, which is a research ship tasked with discovering new life, and Ethan is a research assistant. He examines data that the chief researcher collects and verifies different things about it and all that good stuff, but that's not my area of expertise so I could be completely catastrophically wrong." Mark chuckled before resuming.

"Anyway, my other friends are here with me too. Kathryn is the chart officer, my girlfriend Amy is a nurse in the sick bay, and my buddy Tyler is the supply officer." Mark smiled at the camera and shrugged his shoulders. "I think that it's so cool that my friends agreed to come with me on this adventure, and we're all excited for the unknown of the universe. I'm glad that we have each other's backs and I can trust them. And I'm not trying to sound arrogant in any way, I'm just so honored that I get to go on this exploration with people that I know I can trust... and on the Aurora, of all ships!" Mark couldn't help but give an excited bounce. "I mean, the Aurora is so cool, exploring the galaxies for undiscovered planets that might sustain wildlife and hopefully our new colonies." Mark stopped for a second and tapped a small instrument that covered his ear.

"So how I'm going to keep track of my logs; this little device in case you don't know is basically a camera. It will record what's going on through my eyes... only without my eyelids." He smiled sheepishly. "So even while I'm asleep it should continue recording unless I turn it off, that way if something tears me to pieces you guys at home will know what." Mark then sighed and scratched his head. "That sounded dark out loud..." he mumbled. He cleared his throat and smiled at the camera again. "Anyways, I'm glad I got a chance to sit down and explain who I am and what we're doing out here; I hope one day we'll find the resources to save Earth from inevitable pollution. I'm sorry I won't be able to talk much more to you guys directly, but you're gonna get to see lots more in the near future-- since that's our jobs, anyway." Mark tapped the small device that was latched on his ear again. "This little guy should give you a good view. So thank you guys so much for watching, I'll turn the eye cam on as soon as I load this into the data terminal... and as always, I will see you, in the next one." Mark smiled and waved bye to the camera before he leaned forward and tapped the holographic screen. The red blinking light in the corner turned blue, and the camera shut down. Mark took a deep breath and trailed off into some softer humming as he uploaded the data log and turned on his eye cam.

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