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Before his hoverboard even had a chance to power down Jack was jumping off of it and running. "Jack!" Felix let his power down and followed his friend. "Jack wait! What about the plan?" Jack didn't answer. His heart was pounding in his breast as he sprinted through the admittance entrance. All he could think about was dreading how badly Mark might get hurt. If I'm too late...

"Excuse me sir!" The man in the booth yelled. "You need to pay to get in, not run through like a sodding madman."

"It's ok, I'm paying." Jack felt a flash of gratitude as he ran through the open gates. Note to self Jack, pay Felix back after you rescue Mark. But how was he gonna get Mark out? He was in the arena, with over a hundred pairs of eyes watching. I'll figure something out. Jack didn't break stride until he approached the large crowds of viewers. Annoyance flared in his chest as he scowled. This is such a cruel sport, how can anyone like it!?

"Excuse me!" He shouted as he pushed his way through. "Sorry! Coming through! Sorry. 'scuse me!" A few people shot him glares but most politely moved as Jack milled through the crowd. The tall barbed fence and the bleachers were in his sight, just a little bit further...

As Jack reached the closest bleacher he heard a small scream and gasped. That was Mark! Horror drilled him as he lost the last ounce of his caution and patience. That's it! He pushed through a few more people to get to the fence, hollering, "Outta my way!" People yelped and gasped as he brushed by, and voices of protest raised.

"Ow! Hey!" A young man yelped.

"Get back in your seat!" A woman chided. Jack ignored them and hoisted his leg up, digging his foot in between the spaces of the fence and started scaling it.

"Hey!" Someone gasped. "You can't go in the arena!" Jack growled under his breath and dropped on the other side.

"Watch me bitch," he muttered. His anger boiled when he stood and saw Mark. His tiny friend looked lifeless in the jaws of the rakovad, and Jack saw blood dripping on the orange dirt and mixing with it. Fury hit Jack like a tsunami wave, and he roared.

"MARK!" He ran and tackled the rakovad head on. It hissed and reared its head, trying to bite him. But Jack had the upper ground. Hot rage boiled under his skin as he locked his arms around the creature's forelegs and used his legs to trap the animal against the ground. The rakovad snarled and bit at him, but Jack moved his head and avoided it. Blood roared in his ears as he strangled the rakovad, and he rolled with the rakovad away from where Mark lay unconscious.

The animal twitched and gurgled, and then it whined and went limp in surrender. Jack growled deeply and pushed the creature away, and it shrank back, bowing its head and cowering. Panting, he slowly got up and looked around.

The crowd was staring at him with utter disbelief, dead silent. But Jack's eyes searched the ground until he saw Mark. His heavy breathing grew shallow as he slowly walked over to his small friend and crouched down.

"Mark?" He whispered. He gently scooped the engineer up, ignoring the dust and blood that scraped against his skin. He cupped his tiny vulnerable friend against his stomach and sat there in silence. He was so small... so light... so fragile.

Felix pushed past another person before he finally saw what was going on. His countenance softened with sorrow, and he glanced at the people nervously. Then one by one, the crowd started shouting.

"You can't intervene! That's against the rules!"

"What the hell is this?"

"Who won?"

The Space Voyage (G/T P!Septiplier)Where stories live. Discover now