A Whole New World

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Mark's muscles were tight with both fear and exhaustion. Jack had been poking and prodding at the ship for a good five minutes now, and with the shaky walk to the giant creature's cabin, Mark was tired. His body wanted nothing more than to let go and sleep, but the engineer felt like if he made the slightest move, then the monster outside would catch him.

He still had no idea what Jack was, and he didn't know where the giant had taken him. Were they inside a den, or maybe a cave? Mark couldn't tell, but a heavy groan of metal interrupted his thoughts.

"Aha!" Jack grinned as he pried open a small door. Now to see what was inside. He set the ship back down and tried peering into the newfound opening first. It was too dark to make out much, but he saw how badly the ship was beat up. His eyes stopped over a crimson smear on the floor, and his excitement dropped to an uneasy frown. Is that... is that blood!? Jack stuck his fingers through the door as far in as he could, reaching inside to see.

Mark's eyes had widened as he watched Jack successfully pull the door open, and he resisted the urge to scream when giant pale fingers slunk into the ship. Mark put his hand over his mouth to muffle his breathing, and he pressed against the wall, praying that the shadows would keep him hidden.

"Jack!" The fingers stopped, and after a few heartbeats they rested on the ship's floor, and then they finally pulled out of the small space. Mark slumped in pure relief as Jack set the ship down, and the giant frowned at his hand before he turned and left the room.

"What'd ya want Felix?" He asked, distracted. Felix gave him a confused look; he wasn't sure what Jack brought in the house from the woods, or why he was acting so strange, but he decided to not say anything.

"The news is on, you said you wanted to watch it?"

"O-oh, right." Jack sat down beside Felix, still staring at his fingertip. "Hey Felix, look at this." He showed his hand to his friend, and Felix's eyes widened.

"The hell, man? Did you fucking cut yourself?"

"No." Jack shook his head. "It's-it's blood, but... I don't think it's mine. I found it in this small toy ship I got from outside in the woods."

"Huh." Felix frowned as Jack sighed and looked at the tv-- and then his eyes suddenly widened.

"Hey, unmute it!" Felix fulfilled Jack's request, and Jack watched the news with shock.

"This morning there was a meteor shower, but unlike any usual one this decade. Scientists discovered a metal ship unlike anything we've ever seen that crashed out in the Brooklyn Meadows, and they're even reporting an invasion of a new species." Jack's jaw dropped when the camera showed a huge burning ship.

"That's it!" He practically shouted. "That's what it looked like, but much smaller!" Felix glanced at Jack with wide eyes as the newswoman rattled on.

"The discovery of this species would be phenomenal, so if you find anything out of the ordinary or extraterrestrial, please report it. According to the scientists, the creatures are likely about three to five inches tall, and they would like a live specimen to discover more..."

"Are you sure?" Felix asked. "What if one of the creatures that they say entered our atmosphere was on that ship you found? What if it's out there right now, in the woods? We should report it!"

"No!" Jack blurted, and then he winced. "I-I mean... everything in the ship was so tiny, and the door was so small. I don't think they're harmful."

"Jack, look. Look at that ship." Felix waved at the screen. "Look at how much damage it caused! Equipment like this is only as good as its operators. I think that whatever entered our atmosphere, they're here for selfish reasons." Jack excitement fell from his face, and he looked down at the small red smudge on his finger.

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