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"Captain, are you sure these are the correct coordinates?" The commander's lieutenant leaned over his shoulder and peered at the dashboard. "There's nothing here."

"I'm sure Lawrence," the captain said gruffly. The stars glittered coldly around them like a woman's earrings; Lawrence thought of his wife as he looked out at the fleet. Earth was getting worse and worse over the course of time, and what was to stop mankind from ruining their solar system? There wasn't much time left before Earth was completely drained of resources, and then where would they live? In space? What about their women and children?

"Sir! Ships approaching!" Lawrence gasped and looked at the captain.

"Have they hailed us?" He asked.

"Negative, captain!" Lawrence's eyes widened. He moved to get a good look the window.

"Are they bogeys?" The lieutenant asked.

"Negative. They're not answering our-" The intergalactic ambassador suddenly stopped talking and gagged. A metallic salty smell hit Lawrence's nose, and he turned. His eyes widened and he gasped. The captain stood over the slumped body holding a dagger stained with blood. Blood trickled from the dying man's throat, and Lawrence had to fight back a wave of nausea.

"You killed him!" He gasped, horrified. "Why would you-how-how could you!?" Screaming ensued over the intercom from the men in the other ships. The captain smiled coldly and blinked. His eyes were no longer a human hazel, after a nictitating membrane swiped over his eyes they were revealed to be a strange glowing orange.

"What.." Lawrence backed away, trembling. "Wh-what are you!?" He shouted. "Who are you?" The man chuckled and used the tip of his knife to pick at his nail.

"My name's Bobby." He didn't seem to mind the red that stained the green shirt under his uniform. "And I am one of the last of my kind. And I'm afraid," he sighed, "That I must kill you." The alien moved with astonishing speed. Lawrence gasped as the blade pierced his skin, and he looked down to see the blade sticking out of his chest. His surroundings spun as he swayed, and he collapsed on his side with a groan as Bobby turned and left him to die. Bobby walked back to the captain's chair and pushed a button.

"Billy?" He waited a second before a younger voice answered him.

"We did it dad," Billy answered. "We took over the fleet." Bobby smiled.

"I'm afraid we have much more work to do, son. There are so many humans, and they're just as smart as us." Bobby looked out the windshield and sighed. "But we have logic on our side. We will win, and we will take back what's rightfully ours." Behind him, Lawrence slowly rolled over and got up. It took every ounce of his strength to move his muscles, but he knew what he had to do. Bobby was not the man he thought he knew, but instead leader of an aggressive alien race. He needed to do something before he died.

He took out his knife and quietly sidled up to Bobby as the alien kept speaking. "Yes, I know, we need to follow the coordinates of the Aurora and finish off the humans there."

"But dad, what if there's too many of them? What if they survived the crash?"

"As far as we know, only one survived, son." Bobby smiled coldly. "He is our target. He's still alive, you can see the live feed on the ship, it's been broadcasted globally. The man is a hero in the humans' eyes, and so we'll have to kill him." Lawrence closed his eyes and thought about his family. I'm so sorry kids... I can't come home. Lily, I love you. Remember me. He let out a battle cry and swung his knife. Bobby whirled and, stunned, he couldn't move fast enough to escape Lawrence's blade. The two stared at each other for what seemed like forever, the light fading from their eyes as they watched one another in a glance of death. Then Bobby broke away and writhed, choking as purple blood gushed from his throat.

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