Never Goodbye

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It felt good to hug everyone now that the action had died down. Mark felt like he was going to fall apart, and at the same time passion drove him to insistently hug every single person in the room, from grumpy Felix to an unsuspecting Gæmba citizen. His loving actions came to an end, however, when he needed to give his body a chance to rest, and so he finally did. At first, it was a bit overwhelming, to go from having just Jack around to hosting several people under the cabin's roof, not to mention Sam the robotic eye, but it didn't take long before it felt normal.

And so, as Katheryn, Cristina, and a couple of others worked on the space ships, Mark and Nate healed. Turns out Nate had a bad fracture in his fibula, along with some mysterious bruising that he didn't bother explaining. Mat spent a lot of time with the two astronauts, and he even brought over his wife, Stephanie. Mark took a liking to her pretty quickly; she was really nice and caring.

After a couple days of healing, Mark began to spend a lot of time around the technology of Jack's world. He hardly ever left the giant's side and asked questions about everything he saw that was new; and with the threats of this new world gone, he could take the time now to actually enjoy Jack's world and admire their creations. He witnessed the virtual reality firsthand; got a late Halloween prank; learned more about the EyeNet; and he even got to study the inside works of the computer itself. It was absolutely amazing to him, and the perfect time consuming project to undertake as he waited for his friends to finish check-ups on the ships, to make sure they were fit to fly after the ambush the Gæmba had delivered. And whenever he took the time to help them out or finalize his own escape ship, Signe and Jack would spend a lot of time together. It made Mark smile every time he heard them laughing in the other room.

Tyler also woke up shortly after Mark and Nate started to walk around. Ethan had been really worried, hardly ever leaving Felix's room. Whatever the giants had been doing to him when Jack found him, it seemed to have worked. Ethan was half asleep next to Tyler, about to completely doze off when he suddenly heard the officer groan. He'd snapped awake and saw Tyler opening his eyes and looking around, and he cried out to the others as he hugged his friend. Everyone was so relieved and welcomed him back.

Felix also managed to keep Jordan stable so far, but only a real hospital could wake up Mark's mentor. "He's suffering some internal bruising and swelling," he had told Mark, "And his blood count is really low, too low to heal his body." When he told Amy, she admitted that when they were captive, Damien had taken a blood sample from Jordan no matter how hard they tried to help him. It was just another reason to think that giant so cruel as Mark hugged his girlfriend and told her that it was going to be ok.

"Maybe they were just waiting to see how long he'd die, or something," Jack had muttered distractedly. He didn't look very content, either way, about Damien's cruel inhospitality. Signe had comforted Jack and told him what an amazing job he'd done, and all the lives he had saved, but Jack still held a small grudge against Septic Robotics, and yet he softened every time Signe touched him. It was clear where his loyalty and passion lay.

Marzia forgave Felix when he came clean, apologized profusely, and told her everything that had been going on. He did, however, have to introduce her to Mark and give her some flowers. But Mark thought she was really nice and told Felix he was a lucky man. She even promised to keep the secret. The press gave Jack hell though, but somehow he managed to chase them off without revealing anything. And then Septic Robotics showed up on tv, and Ken told everyone that the humans had just been robotic toys in development, and that a few had gone haywire. This made everyone relieved; they were all safe now. Mark had taken the opportunity to celebrate by teaching Jack how to make a family recipe: Chicken dumplings. Together, he and Jack slaved all afternoon that day, finding the right herbs that matched Earth's and giving instructional tips to general cooking. It was a blast- and their first attempt Jack did almost burn them. In the end though, he proudly bore the successful result, with only a few burnt knuckles to prove that he had cooked something besides pizza. And it was delicious.

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