Bottom of the Evening

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"... and now we just let it sit and wait." Jack plopped on the couch and sighed. Mark sighed too and sat on the tube of gauzes.

"That was a lot of work!" He exclaimed. "I'm glad it'll only be a few hours before the sun sets."

"You want to go back outside?" Jack asked. "Or are you tired?" As if on cue Mark felt a yawn coming, and he stretched his arms out as he arched his back and yawned.

"I'm tired," he admitted. Jack smiled.

"Yeah I can see that." He laid down and stretched across the cushions, taking up the entire couch. He splayed his arms out and let out a giant yawn. "I'm tired too," Jack agreed. "I guess it's naptime!" Mark chuckled, and then Felix suddenly screamed bloody murder in the other room.

"AHH NO NO NO NO!" Jack and Mark turned their heads with wide eyed surprise as Felix let out a stream of curses and threw the controller. Mat yelped and started shouting too, and then his frantic yelling was cut off by a sigh of disappointment.

"Ahh dang it!" Mat groaned. "I almost had him!" Jack and Mark shared a look before they both laughed quietly.

"Are you sure it's naptime?" Mark asked, giggling.

"Yeah maybe not," Jack chuckled. The giant watched as Mark yawned again and rubbed his eyes, and Jack tried his hardest to not squeal like a fanboy over how adorable the tiny human was. "But you look tired," he added, getting up. He gently scooped Mark up and held him carefully as he walked to his room. "How are your stitches doing? You didn't pull any of them out today did you?"

"No." Mark shook his head and lay down in Jack's hand, stretching with another yawn. "I didn't push myself too hard," he murmured.

"Good." Jack walked into his room and headed straight for Mark's bed. "Here you go." He carefully helped Mark into his bed, and the human had his arms out when he plopped face first into his covers. Jack giggled. "You're so fucking ridiculous."

"You know I am!" Came Mark's muffled reply. Jack sighed and lay down on his bed.

"As long as you're comfy. Need anything before I conk out?" He asked. Mark sat up and flipped over on his back.

"I think I'm good." Jack nodded and closed his eyes as he yawned.

"Good," he rumbled sleepily. Mark listened as Jack's breathing gradually slowed, and he smiled to himself. He's asleep now. Outside he could hear the rain as it continued to pour, and Mark shivered as he remembered his size difference and temperature. He bundled the shirt up and huddled under it for a blanket. On the bright side it was the hottest time of the day, so Mark wasn't too cold. It was just the rain getting to him and making his skin crawl.

I should get some rest too, Mark thought, closing his eyes. But I've been resting all day, I really want to stretch my legs. Then again, I am tired... Mark was pleased that cooking with Jack allowed him that chance. He got to learn all sorts of new plants and spices, and he was glad most of them were akin to Earth.

Gravity seemed to urge Mark to lay down, and he found himself laying back as he closed his eyes and sighed quietly. I hope the others are ok...

Jack raced home from school one day and ran into the cabin. "Hey Ma!" He yelled. He charged into his room and threw his backpack on the bed. "Ma!" He looked around the house for his mom and found her in the kitchen. "Mom, we're going on a field trip tomorrow!" Jack exclaimed. His mom looked away from the dough she was kneading.

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