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Mark shivered and opened his eyes. He was looking up at a metal ceiling and laying on a cold metal floor. Ugh... I feel like I have a hangover. Mark scrunched his nose up and groaned.

"Jack?" He yawned. "Jack where-" He stopped, and his heart thrashed in his chest. Oh no. He sat up and got up on his feet. No, no! Where am I now? Mark realized he was in a cage, and his eyes widened. "No!" He gasped. He ran up to the metal mesh and gripped the bars, shaking them as hard as he could. "Help!" He shouted. "Can anyone hear me? Get me out of here!"

"It's no use you know. I've tried that already." Mark whirled around and stared. There was another person trapped in the cage with him! Mark recognized his shirt; he was aboard the Aurora. The young man had the shirt of a mechanic, like Mark, but Mark knew he was in a different division.

"You were on the Aurora too!" He gasped.

"Yeah." The man pushed his bangs out of his eyes and looked up at Mark. The engineer noticed dark bags under his eyes from exhaustion. He looked weak and skinny.

"You're not... infected are you?" Mark asked warily.

"Me? No." The man sounded confused. "The giants just don't care for their pets very well." He spat the word like it was acrid. Mark shuddered as his mind flashed back to his bad dreams. Jack would never do that to me, he reminded himself. I just had to go and get myself kidnapped. Guilt pricked his heart like a claw. Stupid me, I wasn't strong or fast enough to escape. Then Jack is probably gonna feel guilty when he finds out, and it's all my fault.

"What's your name? I'm Mark," Mark asked.

"Nate." Mark sat down across from Nate.

"How long have you been here Nate?"

"You mean in this cage?" Nate shrugged. "I think about a week now." Mark took in their surroundings. They were in a dark place with lots of cages and crates. There was a window, but it was dark out. He could hear the sounds of other animals close by, most of them aggressive. The hairs on Mark's arms stood, and he shivered at the thought of these beasts attacking him and Nate.

"So how did you get caught?" Mark asked.

"Oh, well I was in a forest near the Aurora's crash site. I was looking around for other survivors when some giants found me." Mark's shoulders bunched.

"Did you.. by any chance see anyone else?" He asked nervously.

"I was one of the last people to jettison." Nate let his head loll against the bars. "But I saw some people leaving the ship and being pulled into this world's atmosphere." That means my friends are here, Mark mused. I hope they're ok... "So what about you?" Nate asked, looking at Mark again. "What bastard dragged you in?"

"Oh..." Mark sighed. "That is a very long story." Nate put his hands on his thighs and watched Mark attentively.

"I'm listening." Mark took a deep breath.

"When I crash-landed, a creature called a tarascota bit me," he began. "It's an alligator looking thing. Anyway, turns out it was infected with a virus called the Carar, and so it infected me before it died. I hid out in my ship for less than a day when..." Mark trailed. Nate wouldn't understand the next part, probably. "A giant found my ship," He admitted. "He took it, and me in the process, and brought me into his house. I snuck out of the ship and hid out for a few days in his place." Mark recalled the past week's events and smiled a little. "The virus took a hold of my body, and I almost died, but then the giant found me," he said quietly. Nate's eyes were wide.

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