NaJ: Carnival

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Goths POV

Today is another day of school. I hate school with a burning passion. The only reason I keep showing up is Palette. My friend, pretty much roommate, and crush. I've had a huge crush on Palette ever since I met him in elementary school. The reason I say practically roommate is because Palette is nearly at my house 24/7. My parents don't seem to mind though, and I'm ok with it. Anyways, back to the place that nobody cares about. School.

Today is a Friday, so that's good news. I head to first period, thinking about what Palette and I will do over the weekend. I arrive at the door, A127. Sighing I walk inside. Palette's dad smiles at me from the desk and I wave back. Just then a figure comes barreling through the door behind me. They knock into me, and I fall to the floor.

"Watch it!" I mumble.

"Oh sorry Goth!" A familiar voice shouts.

"What're you doing Palette? This isn't your class." I state, picking myself up off the ground.

"Yes Palette, I'd like to know the same thing," Mr. Dream says, walking over.

"Oh! Right! I forgot to tell you! Dad said he'd take us somewhere today, c'mon Goth!" Palette says excitedly.

"Alright hold your horses let me get my stuff," I say. I quickly grab my stuff and follow Palette out the door. I'm aware of the class staring at us. I mean seriously, why would somebody as popular as Palette be taking me, the school librarian somewhere. I don't care though, I get to spend time with Palette.

"Hi dad!" Palette says. I glance up at see Ink smiling at us. He nods to his car, so we get in. Ink drops us off at a carnival!

"Have fun you two! I'll be back in... Four hours!" Ink says, checking his watch in the sentence. Palette and I nod in sync. When Ink drives off Palette grabs my hand and drags me to a ride.

Before you could say Poth about three hours have gone by. Right now Palette is dragging me to the Ferris wheel. We climb in and the ride starts moving. Palette clutches his cotton candy, light shining in his eyes as we move higher and higher. Suddenly we lurch to a stop. Shocked by the motion Palette latches onto my arm.

"Oh no, did something break?" He asks me, worry in his starry eyes.

"I hope not," I gulp. Palette starts rambling about what would happen if we got stuck up here, but I tune him out. I think about him though, Palette is perfect. I can't help falling for him, even though I know he won't feel the same. Five minutes pass before Palette turns to me.

"Hey Goth can I tell you something?" He asks.

"Sure?" I say, wondering if it's another silly thing he made up.

"I like you," he says.

"Well, like you said we're best friends," I reply.

"M-More than friends Goth," Palette whispers. I stare at him for a minute. "S-Sorry never mind, that was stupid," he finally mumbles.

"Wait no! I like you too Palette," I get out. He smiles his amazing smile and hugs me.

"I'm glad, because I wouldn't have let you reject me," he laughs. I kiss Palette on the forehead, as the ride starts moving again.

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