PJ's Daycare

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Palette's POV 

I work at an amazing place called PJ's daycare. PJ is an amazing guys, and so are his other helpers Graident and Bluescreen. Everything about the place is so amazing, I'm speechless! Also let's not forget all the amazing kids there too! Today, Wednesday, is an exciting day! PJ said we're getting a new caretaker, so I'm gonna get there nice and early! I want to be ready to greet them of course!

One hour later I find myself at the daycare, sitting on the floor surrounded by the kids. Dream sits on my lap, looking around excitedly. PJ just went outside to greet the new caretaker and show them the outside area quickly, so we should be meeting them any minute!

"Hey Mr. Palette?" Dream asks, looking up at me with his big yellow eyes in the shap of stars.

"Mhmm?" I reply, glancing quickly at the door.

"Do you think the new person is gonna be nice?" Dream questions.

"Of course! PJ only hires the best people out there!" I assure. Dream smiles, and looks forward as the door swings open. Mr. PJ walks in with a shorter skeleton, dressed in a white cloak. He has a red apron with a few rips and tears. His eyes are dark, and only one has a small white pupil.

"U-Uh hello everybody! M-My name i-is Goth! It's n-nice to meet you all!" He stutters shyly. The room is filled with a chorus of hellos from the kids and caretakers.

"Alright Goth! I'll let Palette show you around today! If you need anything I'll be my office!" PJ says. I wave, notifying him that I'm Palette. He smiles nervously and walks over, careful not to step on any of the kids, now getting up to go do whatever.

"Hello! I'm Palette! It's nice to meet you!" I say cheerily. Goth cringes at the volume of my voice but extends his hand for me to shake, which I accept, pulling him into a vigorous handshake. Goth looks a bit frightened but doesn't pull away.

"I-It's nice to meet you too.." he mumbles. "C-Can you introduce me t-to some of the k-kids maybe?"

"Of course! This here is Dream!" I introduce.

"Hewwo!" Dream giggles.

"Hey Dream, could you get some of your friends over here?" I offer. Dream nods and runs off. Goth watches Dream go over to a group of small skeletons. 

I take this time to observe him closer. His feature are smooth, and his soft smile lights up his singular pupil. Pretty cute. What. Did I just call him cute? Oh god Palette stop being so stupid. Goth noticed me staring at him and his face immediately goes purple with blush.

"U-Uhm can I help you?" He asks. Oh my stars he's so polite!

"N-No sorry.." I giggle, as Dream comes over with a group of kids, which I introduce to Goth one by one. "Ink, Blue, Error, Fresh, Horror, Lust, SAAAANEEEES, Sans, Fell, Geno, Reaper, Sugar, Melon" 

|Time Skip 6 Months|

Still Palette's POV 

I burst into the daycare to see Goth, sitting on the floor with Geno and Reaper. He surprisingly doesn't notice me, which works out in my favor. I sneak to where I'm out of his eyesight and leap at him.

"Hi Gothy!" I laugh, tackling him to the ground. Goth lets out a squeak, but giggles seconds later.

"Hey! C-Come on Palette what was that for?" He gasps between laughs.

"Hehe! You've spent six months at the daycare today!" I announce, hugging Goth.

"Wow thanks Pal!" Goth murmurs, hugging me back. I love it when Goth hugs back. If I'm being honest the thought of him being cute has never left my brain, and it's progressed into a major crush on Goth. Yup. Way to go Palette. Goth realeases me and steps back, grinning. "This calls for some kind of celebration huh?" He asks. 

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