Neko Goth

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Don't worry neko Palette is next.

Goth's POV

People ask me why I wear my hood all the time. I always say it's because I like it, and that's true but not the whole reason. The truth is, I'm a neko. The cloak I wear covers my ears and tail, so people don't think I'm a freak. There aren't to many nekos, and I don't want others to tease me about it. Anyways, I'm really bored right now. Like really really bored. Palette left the apartment we share to go visit some friend of his, so I'm home alone.




I decide to pull down my hood, and let my ears perk up, because they've been flattened on my head all day. As the cold air rushes around my ears I sigh. Today is so boring I can't stop ranting about it. I decide to watch TV, so I grab the remote. I flip through the channels absentmindedly until something catches my eye. A TV  show about some time traveler guy. Interesting. I watch a few more episodes. Then I hear the lock on our door click. The couch I'm sitting on is in the room that you first enter going into our apartment so I pull my hood up over my face.

"Goth I'm hooome!" Palette calls.

"Hey Palette," I say, intent on my show. 

"Watcha watching?" He crosses over to me and puts his arms on my head. On my ears. The sudden contact of my crush makes me flush purple and purr a bit.

"I'm not sure if the name," I reply, hoping he didn't notice the noise I made. Wishful thinking.

"Did you just purr?" Palette screeches.

"Uhhh what are you talking about!" I say nervously.

Palette, who was behind the couch does a flip over it's back  and ends up sitting right next to me.  I look over at Palette who stares back with an odd expression. Suddenly without warning he reaches up and pulls down my hood, revealing the purple cat ears plastered to my skull.

"Holy stars Goth! You're a neko?!" He screams. I nod and look down, letting my ears perk up. "Woah that's so cool!"

"Wait you're not freaked out?" I ask timidly.

"No! It makes you cuter!" Palette says joyously.

"Cute?" I asked, stunned at the words.

"D-Did I say c-cute! I meant cool! C-Cool!" Palette stutters. I giggle quietly before pulling myself closer to Palette.

"It's ok if you think I'm cute you know. I like you too." I murmur.

"N-No no it's- Wait what? How long have you known I like you!" Palette screams.

"I didn't, but it was worth a shot. Hey, it turned out well." I say slyly.

"You sneaky little cat you," Palette laughs. I close the distance between Palette and I. First we kiss lightly. Then Palette deepens the kiss. We stay that way for what seems like ages before we break apart.

"Want to keep watching whatever this show is?" I ask Palette. He nods. I reposition myself to become more comfortable. Now my head is resting on Palette's lap, with the rest of my body stretched out on the length of the couch. Palette strokes my ears as my tail flicks contently. We continue watching the show I found until I fall asleep soundly. 

When I wake, moonlight streams through the open window by the door. My head still rests on Palette's lap. His arm is wrapped around my shoulder, and he breathes softly. Chest rising and falling with his inhales and exhales. For once, I feel comfortable with my ears moving freely, tail draped over my back. Sleepily I look up at Palette, his eyes are closed, and he breathes softly. Sleeping peacefully. I feel blissful as I fall back asleep.

Once again I wake up, but this time, it's nowhere near peaceful. A loud knocking is coming from the door. Palette jolts awake moments after me, in a panic. He fearfully looks at the door and grabs my hand. Together we get up and walk cautiously to the door. Before we open it I remember to throw my hood over my ears, and tuck my tail into my cloak again. As the lock clicks open I begin to get more and more worried. It's around 2 am and somebody is knocking at our door.

"Hello?" I hear Palette say, his voice snapping me out to reality.

"Hi! Is Goth here right now?" A cheery voice asks. I step to where they see me. "I have a message for you Goth, so could I speak to you always be for a moment?" A small woman asks. I nod and step outside with her. "Alright pest." She says once we're out of earshor of Palette. "You're a neko, I saw through your window. I'm part of an agency that rounds nekos up to put on display. You're coming with me!" With that she attacks me, and I fall unconscious.

When I wake up I'm laying on a cold hard cement floor. The air is damp and somewhat difficult to breathe. Wherever I am, I want out. I yowl to the darkness, but feel a hand quickly clamp over my mouth.

"Shhh!" A voice hisses. I turn around cautiously to see a young girl with her hand over my mouth staring at me. I give a questioning look at she huffs. Her hand moves from my mouth.

"Who are you?" I ask quietly.

"My name is Orisa, and you're in the neko cage. This is the place where nekos are taken once discovered. Now hush it's almost morning. Orisa whispers. I nod. I see the tips of pals blue ears underneath her frizzy blonde fair. A few moments later a giant garage door opens. Sunlight floods in and I can now see many nekos like myself staring at the light. Everybody bounds toward it, including me. Freedom? Wrong.

Outside there are hundreds of people standing at a fence. Taking pictures of us. I try to head back but the massive door shuts in front of me. For hours I sit and let people capture me with their cameras. When finally they leave, the door opens again. This time there are people inside. They carry small trays of food, for us I presume.

"Stop this madness!" I hear a girl shout. It's Orisa. She screams at the nearest person holding food. Without hesitation they pull a gun from their belt. "Stop it.. Please. You have small children here. We all deserve freedom. This isn't right!" Orisa begs. The guard squeezes the trigger on his gun. I close my eyes, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't block out Orisa's screams as the bullet pierced her chest. With nothing left to do, I pass out. Again.

I wake up again. This never ending nightmare haunting me more and more by the second. Again I'm in Palette's lap. Now he is awake, staring down at me.

"Goth are you ok?! You were screaming in your sleep!" Palette asks wildly. I shake my head. A dream. It was a dream. They won't hurt me. Right? I pull my hood over my head a sob into Palette's shoulder. He pays my back awkwardly, but soon pulls me into a tight embrace. Finally our lips meet, and we kiss. Tears pour freely down my cheeks as we sit there on the couch, kissing. I'm safe here. Everything is ok. I'm fine.

Wooo that was good! I hope you enjoyed! I also ran out of ideas but wanted to make a thousand word story so sorry for the weirdness of that last part.

(Word Count: 1280)

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