Human Poth

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Goth's POV

My fingers run through the tangled mess of hair on my head. I inhale slowly, before releasing the breath I was holding in. I feel obliged to look good today. Being in student council, I know that the school dance is going to be announced today, and somewhere inside me I hope somebody will ask out this loser of a girl. Maybe even Palette. My hands find another knot. Ok, where is my hairbrush. 

A measly fifteen minutes later I'm rushing out the door onto the bus, a granola bar in hand. After taking my seat alone by the window I hum a small song to myself. The bus pulls away from my stop and trundles along the bumpy road. I'm lost in my thoughts.

"Excuse me is this seat taken?" Somebody asks. I shake my head without looking away from the window.

"No," I say after a bit, in case they didn't see my head shake. "Just to warn you though, I'm a social outcast," I joke. Then I turn around and see the face of Palette, breaking into a smile. Oh well now I messed up. 

"C'mon, there's no such thing! I'm sure you've got some friends!" He smiles, positivity flossing from him.

"Nope. Just me, myself, and I," I reply with a half smile. Palette frowns, and looks away. I watch his white hair, dyed green at the tips flutter with the movement of the bus. Watch his bright green eyes glimmer in the morning light. Watch a smile slowly spread across his face again as he talks to a friend across the aisle of the bus. I watch, and wish he was mine.

|Timeskip to first class|

"Excuse me students, I would like to announce that there is a dance next week on Friday!" The teacher calls out. I glance sideways to see the reaction of Palette. He doesn't look around at anyone, so either his future date isn't in this class, or he's very good at hiding things. Or maybe he isn't going. I see his hand shoot into the air however. "Yes, Mr. Roller?"

"Miss, what are the requirements for going to the dance?" He asks.

"Ah yes. Let's see. You must wear formal clothing, have a ticket which can be purchased in the office, and you must bring a date!" The teacher says. Palette nods. Some people in the class slump down in their seat and I know who can't afford a ticket, or who knows they won't have a date. The popular kids, in their little group start whispering. I catch bits of their conversation while the teacher goes and sits at her desk, not caring anymore.

"Oh my god, do you think Charlie will ask me out?"

"What color dress would go best with my eyes?"

"Dude, should I ask Katie or Riley? They're both super hot, and I can't decide."

"Oh man, I feel bad for those losers who don't have a date."

Well I know what category I'm in now. Loser. Hooray for me.

Palette's POV

In the corner of my eye I see Goth lowering her head slightly when the teacher mentions bringing a date.

|aaaand I'm skipping to the next day now because I'm lazy but feel like posting this ASAP| (Haha that didn't happen)- me a month ago

Goth's POV

"Hey Goth!" A voice says, yet again on the bus ride to school.

"Yeah?" I murmur, sighing.

"Did anybody ask you to the dance?"

"Do I look like somebody who has a date?"

"No, well... Have you ever asked anybody out?"

"That's another no."

"Ok good."

I turn around to face Palette, again. "And how exactly is that good?"

"Uhm it's good because I've never asked anybody out either. Hehe."

My face must've darkened a few shades with blush, but he couldn't possibly be asking me out, must be some other girl. "Well whenever you need practice asking somebody out I'm here, but I'm sure you'll do just fine Palette."

"Nonono Goth! I want you to go to the dance with me!" Palette smiles, shifting uncomfortably in the seat next to me.

YesYEsYES! I scream in my mind. Yet, I'm unable to speak. I nod my head awkwardly as Palette beams at me.

"Hehe. I'll take that as a yes?" he giggles. I nod again.

Did Palette Roller ask me out?


I sit awkwardly on a chair in an empty classroom, watching the clock. Every second feels like an hour. Palette was talking to his friends and I decided not to interrupt, by leaving. I'm a nuisance in conversations, and nobody said we weren't allowed in classrooms so... Here I am.

The door suddenly flies open, startling me into falling out of the chair. When I look up I see Palette suppressing a smile. He giggles and then walks over.

"Hey Goth," he starts, "why'd you run away?"

"Like I said on the bus last week. I'm a social outcast Palette."

Palette inches closer to me, his nose nearly touching my own. I feel blush taking over my face. "But Goth I want to dance with you!"

"Well then dance with me here! I'm not dancing in front of everybody else!"

"Fine by me!" he grins, taking my hand and pulling me up. His hand snakes around my waist as we twirl around the classroom together.

Palette's POV

I watch Goth's face carefully. Her grey eyes are sparkling, and a smile is plastered to her face as she dances with me.

"I really love you Goth."

Goth's POV

In a blur of feelings and happiness I notice Palette's soft lips against mine. And he loves me.

Best school dance ever.

(A/N): imsosorry this took to long

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