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Dear Diary, Hello. It's me, Goth. I met a wonderful kid today. His name is Palette. He's the same age as me (12) and he is so sweet. I was at the park on a swing, and he just took the swing next to me, and started a conversation like we'd known each other for years. It's funny really, how such an amazing person can even talk to the son of death himself. I'm not going to question it though. I didn't believe in love at first sight until now. Sincerely, Goth.

Hola! It's Palette again! Today I met a nice skeleton. He's called Goth, and his dad is the Reaper. Like how cool is that! I hope I get to see him again someday, he seemed so nice. Oops got ta go! Write later!

Dear Diary, I saw Palette again today! I've been going back to that park for a few days now, and today it payed off! Palette was there with his dad, Ink, I think it was. He and father exchanged contact information, so maybe that means Palette and I can see each other more often. I hope, he really is amazing. -Goth.

|Out of the diariessssss|

Palette's POV 

"Come on!" I beg.

"Really Palette? You've only just met the kid!" My father Dream scolds.

"Yes! Pleaaaaase?" I say, giving my best puppy eyes.

"Fiiiine!" Father says, picking up the phone. I know it's abbot stupid for a 12 year old to bed like a toddler, but I want to see Goth more. There's just something about him that's so mysterious and awesome! I can't wait, because I just convinced father to call and ask for a sleepover tonight.

Minutes later I get the news that Goth will be arriving at 6pm. I glance at the clock. 2pm. I have to wait four hours? Not fair. I run upstairs to my room, slam the door, and jump onto my swivel seat, which spins around violently for a few seconds before slowing, allowing me to settle into the chair. I grab the blue and white composition notebook from the nearby desk and start writing.

Woah! Goth is having a sleepover tonight! Wish me luck... Uhhh.. Inanimate object that I adress like it's alive. Ok never mind. Good luck to myself.

I sigh, placing the notebook down. I'm so excited to see Goth, but I'm also super nervous for some reason. Usually I have no problem talking to people, but... When I'm around Goth my heart (soul?) starts to pound, and my stomach feels all fluttery. I don't know what the feeling is, but I kind of like it. Is that weird? Is there something wrong with me? Hmmm, I don't know. Oh well. I waste my time spinning around aimlessly in the chair, humming to myself. I glance at the clock. 2:30. A frustrated groan escapes my mouth as I get up from the chair.

"Daaaaad I'm bored!" I call down the stairs, as I leave my room and head to the kitchen.

"You could do some chores!" I hear dad suggest. (For future reference Father: Dream, Dad: Ink. I'm not sure how Palette's family works sooooo yeah I'm going with it.)

"Ummm never mind I'm not bored anymore!" I lie, entering the kitchen. I open the fridge and examine the contents, like window shopping. Kind of. Not really. I'm bad a metaphors. Can you tell. Wait who am I even talking to? Stop being weird Palette. "Aha!" I murmur, grabbing a (favorite food) from the fridge. I munch on it casually as I exit the kitchen and enter my room again.

I spend the next hour eating my food very slowly, as if it could make time go faster.  Nope. Still 3:30. I decide to spend the next two and a half hours doing something I love. Drawing. I draw random things, and soon become unaware of what my hands are really doing. I scan the four papers in front of me. My family, a galaxy, a (favorite animal), and.. Goth. Why'd I draw Goth. Why'd I draw a heart around him. I shake my head and stuff the paper under my bed, but handbag the rest up on my walls, which are already covered in random sketches. I see the clock. 5:45. Wow I should've just drawn in the first place! Fifteen minutes later I'm waiting at the door. A soft knock comes from it and I fling the door open. Goth stands there with both parent, holding a small bag full of what I assume are what he needs for the sleepover.

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