SMOL GOTH (Requested by purply_the_bear)

873 23 94

Palette's POV

Uh oh. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Goth's parents. I could be in huge trouble.

My face smacks the table in front of me before I jolt back up. No, I can't fall asleep. I need to find a solution to this problem.


"Palette are you sure this is a good idea?" Goth asks. My hand is closed tightly around his wrist, as I run, dragging him behind me.

"Well duh! I haven't visited Alphys since, well I don't know but I felt like learning some sciencey stuff!" I reply, continuing to sprint. Goth sighs and starts running a bit faster. We got to the lab fairly quickly, and I didn't remember much else. Alphys welcomed us, and told us to look around while she got some anime ready for us to watch. Goth moved around the lab with such grace, being careful in very manor. Then there's me, running around without much care. That's why it's my fault. Goth called out to me, so I whirled around to face him. I knocked into the table separating us. A vile of whatever spilled onto his cloak. He looked at me, before being surrounded by a weird mist thing. When it cleared up Goth wasn't where he was standings moments before. He was laying on the ground. And he was a baby. Yeah I messed up a bit.

"Alphys! Goth and I just remembered we had plans today! So sorry we gotta go!" I call, scooping up the infant version of my best friend.

"O-Oh! Ok! Bye Palette!" Alphys replies from the other room. I race from the lab as quick as possible.

|End flashback|

My eyes follow Goth as he toddles around the room, speaking gibberish like all babies do. He walks to me, and clutches my leg. God I'm so tired.


Uh oh.

Reaper and Geno are supposed to be coming back tomorrow, and I can't let them see Goth as a baby! First of all, he's MY baby. Wait I mean.. Ok that was really awkward, uh. Let me rephrase that. First of all, he's the person I love, and for his own dignity I can't let his parents see him like that. Secondly, this is all my fault, and I'll take all the blame and that would just be sad for me.  I don't want to take the blame.

"Pawet!" The small skeleton tugging on my pants giggles. I smile with a tired look in my eye and lean down.

"Yeeeees Gothy?" I ask, putting on the really high-pitched voice everybody uses with babies.

"Upsie! Hehe!" Goth giggles, letting go of my leg and reaching his arms up to me. I let out a small laugh and wrap my arms around his small waist. He screeches with delight as his feet leave the ground and he and I spin around the room. After a while I get dizzy, and place him back down.

"Palette!" I hear my dad call from downstairs. I quickly place Goth in a more secure area and rush to the door. I poke my head out from the door and see my dad a bit down the hallway. "Can I speak to Goth for a moment?" He asks.

"Uhhh he's kinda busy right now, what should I tell him?" I reply.

"Oh, I just wanted to let him know that something came up and his parents will have to be on vacation a few days longer! He's welcome to continue to stay here!" Dad says cheerfully before starting to walk away.

"Ok thanks dad!" I call, before whirling back into my room and slamming the door.  Thank god I have a few more days to fix my mistake. I pick Goth up at rock him slightly. He coos contently and yawns. Good. I think I'll take him to Alphys' tomorrow.

"Nye nye Pawet!" Goth murmurs sleepily.

(BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY! Ok sorry when I wrote Goth's dialogue that's what I thought, back to the story)

"Goodnight Gothy," I whisper, kissing him on the forehead. I lay him down in a crib I halfheartedly tried to create with random materials. It works for now, so I'll go with it.

Stupid sun. Why must you blind me when I try to wake up peacefully. This is what goes through my head as I try to open my eyes this morning. I groggily stand up, and walk over to where Goth still lays peacefully. I'm glad he isn't a fussy baby. A stream of sunlight filters through the window, illuminating Goth like some kind of angel. The angel he is.

I've decided something. When Goth goes back to normal I wont hold back my feelings for him. I don't know when I could loose him, or he could change, whether it be for the good or the bad. I can't afford to loose him. He is my world. I love him.

I scrawl out a note on a piece of paper and tape it to my door. It explains that Goth and I will be at the park. I then take my best friend into my arms and teleport directly to the lab. My fist pounds on the door, which opens fairly quickly.

"Oh! H-Hello P-Palette! Watcha g-got there?" Alphys greets, before pointing at the bundle in my arms. I give a bit of a weird face but speak anyways.

"Oh yeah ummmm... This is Goth and... He's a baby now. Can you change him back?" I say, guilt in my voice.

"Oh yes! I-I can do that!" She smiles, taking Goth from me, which I don't like but it's for our own good. I follow her as she walks around, mixing some stuff that I don't pay attention to. The final product is a baby blue liquid in a small cup. She lays Goth down on a chair, and gently opens his mouth. Alphys pours the small amount of liquid into Goth's open mouth. He coughs a bit before being enveloped by a bright light. When it fades I see Goth, in his normal state, sitting on the chair. His clothes are rumpled and messed up, including his scarf which is draped over his head at an awkward angle. The expression on his face is pretty priceless. His mouth hangs open, and his eyes flick around the room looking for explanations. They settle on me.

"Palette? What happened?" He asks, glancing down at his messed up clothes. Goth shakes his head, causing his scarf to fall gracefully back down to his side.

"Wellllllllll, ummmm, Alphyshowaboutyouexplain!" I say quickly, pushing Alphys in front of me. She looks surprised but retells the story she knows to Goth. He furrows his brow. (Just go with it.)

"How did I become a baby in the first place, I mean that's not normal right?" He questions. The skeleton and dinosaur in front of me both turn to look at me. I grin nervously.

"Yeah uhhh about that. All I'm saying is that it's my fault. No more needed!" I say. The two start laughing hysterically. I stand there awkwardly checklinhg with them.

"Wait! What about my parents!" Goth says suddenly.

"Oh they're getting good back late," I say casually. I don't feel casual at all. I feel so flustered around Goth all of a sudden. So much for not holding back my feelings. Goth smiles and grabs my hand.

"We should be going anyways, thanks for helping me Alphys, and Palette too of course!" He says seeetly.

"O-Oh right! It was n-no problem Goth!" Alphys stammers. Goth teleports, taking me with him, but right before we disappear I see Alphys give an 'I totally ship it' look. Eep. Goth teleported into my room, onto my bed. He falls backwards, taking me with him. We stay that was for a little bit, before Goth breaks the silence.

"What was it like? I mean, taking care of a baby me. Well, I assume you took care of me," he says softly.

"You were a good, quiet baby. Cute too. I mean... Ah, screw it. You were an adorable baby!" I spitball out, blush spreading across my face. I know he knows I'm blushing, even though he can't see my face, I'm pretty sure heat is emenating off me like I'm on fire. Goth chuckles.

"Y'know you're cute as you are now!" He chuckles. I blush even harder, which I didn't think was possible.

"S-Shut up!" I stammer.

"Aww just take the compliment!" Goth whines.

"Hmmm... ok!" I chirp, nuzzling into Goth. 

My baby.

Word Count: 1424

(A/N): Wow ok! So we just hit 1.5k reads, and in the short time that quick Harper of thanks was posted I got a few comments saying I deserved it! I don't know what I didn't to deserve it but I must've done something right! In all seriousness though, that means the world to me! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Huge thanks to everybody who requested stuff I'm working on those, and purply_the_bear I hope you enjoyed this!

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