Yandere Palette

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Palette's POV 

Just to clear things up a bit, Goth is mine. Nobody else's. Mine.

It's February and snow swirls around me as I walk to the bus stop. It's fairly early, so I have some time before the bus arrives. You may be thinking to yourself, why is a kid like Palette leaving early for school of all things. Well, truth is I share a bus stop with Goth, and no matter how early I leave he's always there first.

Today he has wiped snow off the bench at the stop and reads a book. I stand fairly close to the bench, pretending to look on my phone, though I really stare at the adorable skeleton near me. He wipes some snow off from the bench next to him. He then goes back to his book. I go back to staring while pretending to look at my phone. 

"Hey, why don't you take a seat, I hate to make you stand because I'm sitting here," a voice says. I look up from my phone more now, to see that it's Goth motioning to the seat next to him.

"O-Oh! Thank you!" I stutter. Oh my goodness he's talking to me! I casually take a seat by him, and look at my phone. I read the texts my brother PJ sent me while I was sleeping. Nothing of my concern, something about Fresh.

"So I know it weird and I've never really talked to you, but I think we could be friends!" Goth says after a while.

"Yeah! I think we could, wanna come over to my place after school? We could get to know each other little better!" I offer. Of course I know a lot about Goth but he doesn't know that..

"Sure! Can I have your phone number so we can coordinate?" Goth asks. I willingly give him my number, and let his put his into my phone. My heart flutters, this could be the start of something between us. God I hope so.

As we sit and chat others start appearing at the stop, shivering in the snow. I think about what I said to myself earlier, about Goth being mine. I shouldn't be say that, really I shouldn't. If Goth wants to date another girl I shouldn't interfere in anyway because it makes Goth happy. Sure I still like him a lot, but I can't ruin his life for my selfish needs. Eventually the bus arrives, and students pile on, desperate to escape the bitter wind. As I walk down the aisle betweenness seats multiple people pat the space next to them, inviting me to sit with them. I ignore them all and follow Goth to a seat near the back of the bus. He sits, and I sit next to him.

"So Palette? How come somebody as popular as you wants to be friends with me anyways?" Goth asks, not looking up from his book.

"Well because I think people just don't give you a chance to prove how great you are!" I reply, every word of it was true. Goth smiles and blushes ever so slightly.

"Well thank you Palette! You're to kind!" Goth laughs, pushing my shoulder slightly. I laugh with him, as the bus pulls away from the bus stop and heads to our school.

When we reach school it's a mad dash for the doors, because nobody wanted to be left out in the wind and snow. I see Goth almost slip on the floor which has been covered by melted snow and ice. I giggle and catch him. 

"Pfft that was awkward. Thanks Palette!" Goth says sheepishly.

"You're welcome!" I giggle. We walk down the hall together until I reach my locker and have to break away. I grab my stuff and blush heavily as I walk to my first class. Throughout the day all I can think about is Goth, and how he's coming to my house after school today! Eek I'm so excited!

Goths POV

I can't help but smile when thoughts of Palette enter my head. He's just so positive and upbeat, he doesn't know but I've been wanting to get to know him for a while now.

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