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Goth's POV 

Sometimes I wish I lived in a world where everything was dark. Not like bloody, lots of death dark, but a dark where nobody can see. Why? Well it's simple really, I want to live in a world where nobody can see the skeleton who has been called ugly, labeled emo, teased beyond imagine, just because he is the son of Death. My imaginary world will never become a reality though, I'm close friends with a bright light source. Full of positivity, and bliss, and pure joy. I can never live in a dark world, because my best friend is Palette Roller.

My ears ring. 




"Get out."

I can't tell who is saying what anymore. All the voices blend together in my head. They scream things that make me hurt, make my heart break a little more. Oh who am I kidding, how can a shattered heart break any further. Wait. I know. Buy some cheap tape, and patch up your heart. Think that now nobody can hurt you again, only to be shot down with a single word. Of course it can break again. Again and again and again. 

I stand in the school hallways, long after the day is over. I'm not alone. A group of six kicks at me, or swings punches. They tell meaningless words, that pass right through me. I've heard them all before, so why pay attention now. A painful blow to many ribs sends me off my feet, slamming me into the wall behind me. I crumple to the floor. Breathing hurts at the moment, but it seems that was enough to make the group leave. I move my arm, and grimace. Slowly I withdraw a phone from my pocket. My fingers find their way to my message app, and open it. I text my father.

Goth: I'm having a sleepover with a friend tonight, sorry forgot to tell you.

Geno: Alright stay safe, love you!

Goth: Love you too! See you tomorrow after school!

I place the phone down, not bothering to read any reply I may get. I hate lying to my parents, but if I told them the truth they'd probably be arrested for murder of students. Besides, I need to be able to deal with these things on my own. A voice down the hall catches my attention.

"Alright, thank you sir! I really needed to catch up on my work!" The voice chirps. It's Palette. He's going to walk down this hallway, and see me. There he is. And he's noticed.

"Goth are you ok?" Palette asks, worry in his voice.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine!" I lie. 

"Hmmm. You're lying I can tell. C'mon you can have a sleepover at my house tonight and we can talk about it if you want!" Palette offers.

"Umm ok!" I say. I guess I wasn't completely lying to father. Palette and I walk to his house, which is painful for me. 

"Hey dad I'm having a sleepover!" Palette calls when he gets inside.

"Ok Pal!" Mr. Ink calls back. Palette smiles at me and bounds into his room. I follow, taking a deep breath. I have a lot to explain.

"Alright. Spill." Palette commands. I flop down in one of his chairs, and open my mouth. Do I really trust Palette with everything I've never said before? 

"I've always been bullied. People and monsters alike hate me. I've been hurt so many times I think I can't feel pain. The only reason I'm still alive and fighting is... is...." tears spill from my eyes, "the only reason is YOU Palette! You've always been the light in my world of darkness! You've always been an angel to me! What'd I do to deserve somebody as amazing as you?!"

Of course I trust Palette.


An embrace. Tears. Exchanged words of comfort.  Comfort. I haven't felt that in a long time. I now know how much I missed the feeling. Lonely is such a hurtful word. 

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