Robots Can't Love. Can They?

533 22 11


This one shot is very emotional. And there is suicidal elements, however only around the end of the one shot. If this isn't for you I wouldn't recommend reading this, as if you'd like to avoid those subjects you will want to avoid the ending. Sorry in advance, grab some tissues. Enjoy.

Please wake up project_2674 

Error: Command unidentified. Please enter a valid project name 

Please wake up Goth 

Starting up project_2674; code name Goth 

Start up complete! Goth is awake! 

Project is beginning now! 

"Now to see if this bot can feel real emotions..."

Go over to Palette, Reaper, and Geno

"Palette are you sure you can do this?" Geno asks the shaking skeleton.

"Yeah..." Palette replies, avoiding eye contact with the older skeleton. A hand is placed on his shoulder, and Reaper looks into Palette's eyes.

"You can do this." Reaper encourages, giving a small smile.

Back to Goth and the scientist

"Goth, are you ready to meet your family?"


"Calm down Goth, there's no need to shout. You have a bit of amnesia from the procedure we've performed, but it was for your own benefit, I can assure you that you will regain your memory soon."

"OK. I mean.. ok."

"Great, I hope you don't mind that we brought a friend too. He can help you remember."

"That's fine. I think?"

"Here they are now!" The scientist leads Goth out of the room and to the three other skeletons. "This one is Reaper, that's Geno, those two are your parents. Then there's Palette, your best friend!" He explains. 

"Reaper," Goth points at the hooded skeleton, "Geno," the skeleton bathed in blood, "Palette," the the shortest, and nicest looking. "Which one is the mom?" Goth asks, turning back around to face the scientist.

For a minute silence fills the room, then Palette and Reaper burst into laughter. "It's- Its!" Reaper tries to speak, but can't stop laughing, "It's Geno!"

"Ok," Goth says, nodding. 

Palette's POV 

This is wrong. This whole experiment. Robots can't love! They can't! This experiment won't break Goth! It'll break me! I can't love him after everything. He can't love me he can't! At least. Not anymore. This is wrong.

Outside POV 

"C-Come on Goth! Let's get ya home and help you get back your memory!" A blushing Geno says a bit to loudly. Reaper smirks and wraps his arm around Geno's waist. Goth nods stiffly and follows his parents and friend. 

In the car, everyone is silent. Reaper sits at the wheel of the car, focusing on his destination. Geno is staring into space, his own small void. Palette places a smile on his face, but he was holding back tears and avoiding eye contact with that stupid machine beside him. Minutes stretch into hours, and still, nobody says anything. The only thing breaking the building tension is the car, continuing down the road. 

A fuzzy laugh passes through Goth's mind, accompanied by an unidentifiable smile.

"We're here!" Reaper announces finally. Geno nods in affirmation as the car doors open and three of the four stand. Goth copies the action much slower, and only after Palette motions for him to follow. 

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