Pocky Game

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Goth's POV 

Palette and I are hanging around at the mall today, seeing as we have nothing better to do. I want to go to the candy shop, and drag Palette around. He decides to grab some stuff while I look around. The shelves are lined with bunch of sweets, so I grab a bunch. Jelly beans, cookies, pocky, gummies, you name it, I probably bought it.  Palette pays for his small box of assorted candies and drags me away.

"Gothyou have too much candy!" He jokes, pulling my wrist to the car.

"No I don't, you have too little candy!" I retort, climbing into the passengers seat. Palette raises an eyebrow but laughs.

"Whatever you say Gothy!" He teases. Palette drives back to the house we share, as I start on my box of pocky. By the time we reach the door I only have a few sticks left. 

"Hey Palette want some pocky?" I offer, pulling one of the sticks to my mouth.

"Sure!" Palette replies. I hold out the box to him, but he leans in and bites the other end of mine. Holy nope! I squeeze my eyes shut, and take a bite, hoping he doesn't, and I can't tell if he does because my eyes are closed. I keep biting, until I feel something collide with my mouth, it's Palette. We kiss, and I don't resist it. Why not though? Honestly I'm not sure myself. Then Palette breaks away.

"P-Palette?" Is all I manage to say.

"Hmm I like pocky, thanks Goth!" Palette chirps, removing the nearly empty box from my hand and running inside.

(A/N): Sorry for the short chapter I got lazy. No other excuse I just got lazy. I hope it's ok because I have the other really long happens but if not, again, sorry. Also how the heck is this book almost at 400 reads?! What did I do to deserve this! Should I do anything special at 500? Anything (not really EVERYTHING but I'd do a lot) for you guys! YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!

Edit: One hour later: WHAAAAT? FOUR HUNDRED READS ALREADY? B-But one hour ago I was at three hundred eighty something. And now 415? THIS IS INSANE I LOVE YOU ALL!

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