I Need You To Survive

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Goth's POV

I trudge through the hot, barren wasteland. My feet drag behind me, aching, but I have to keep going. I need to keep going. My eyes catch on a white lump that sits a few hundred feet in front of me. This could be my opportunity. I start sprinting, stumbling on a few grey rocks that pepper the grey landscape in front of me. What has this world come to. A few feet away from the stranger I trip and fall on my face.

"Ouch..." I mutter, looking up. When I do, I really regret it. I see one arm, covered in blood, unmoving. I shudder, but sit up. I pull a roll of gauze put of my small bag, and start wrapping it around the arm. I hear a few grunts from whoever I'm treating, but I continue pulling the gauze around their arm.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BROTHER?" A new voice shouts. I scramble back, dropping my bag, and the gauze. A dark boned skeleton comes running up, causing me to move back even more.

"O-Oh my god.. I'm so s-sorry I didn't mean to int-interrupt!" I stutter, holding up my hands above my head.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here? How are you alive? Why are you wasting valuable supplies on others?" The skeleton says, pulling me up by the scarf around my neck.

"I know that... I really shouldn't have survive this. My parents always wanted me to be a doctor, so that's what I became... Now, I go around trying to help others. I'm not a good fighter, so I made a decision. It'd be better to help people who have a chance at making it through this, rather than myself. I'm dead meat walking." I explain. For further evidence I roll up a sleeve of my tattered cloak, revealing scars, bruises, fresh cuts, ad more,  covered in dirt along with other substances such as blood.

The skeleton rolls their eyes and grunts. "Look kid, you need to stop being so selfless, come on. You're our medic now."

"R-Right!" I say, scrambling to pick up my bag. The skeleton picks up his brother, and leads me to a small camp a little bit away. There, I begin patching up the still unconscious one, whole the other prepares some food.

Half an hour later, I hear a groan from behind me as I look through my supplies. "Jam... What happened?"

"Oh! Y-You're up!" I exclaim, turning around to face the skeleton that belonged to the young voice.

"Who are you? Where's my brother?" He roars.

"Woah calm yourself bro, I'm right here," the other says, peeking his head into the tent. The younger skeleton glances at both of us, before muttering something inaudible.

"Uhm, h-hey... I'm just going t-to tend to your wounds so, if you could just, uhhh, s-stay still!" I say awkwardly. He just nods, and lets me go about my business.

Palette's POV

God, why is this new guy so cute! He's weak, he can't survive with us! But... He's freaking adorable, I must admit.

"So.. I never caught either of your names..." He murmurs. His eyes glint in the firelight, as we sit around eating.

"PaperJam." My brother says, glancing over at me.

"Palette!" I say quickly, swallowing and starting to choke on the bit of food. In a flash the newcomer is behind me, arms around my waist, performing the Heimlich maneuver. When I glance back at him is face flushes purple  and he walks say.

"Sorry. Instincts kicked in." he mutters.

"No no... It's fine." I mutter. My stomach suddenly feels all warm and fluttery where he touched me, but I shake it off. "What is your name anyways?"

"Goth." He's so quiet I barely hear the word, but now I know his name I think it suits him very well. Is it possible that love at first sight exists? I hope so, because I think I'm in love with this skeleton.

|Timeskip to the next day|

Goth's POV

I wake up on the small mattress that Palette and PaperJam lent to me. Looking around I see Palette staring at me. When we make eye contact he blushes and looks away. What the heck? Why did he... No matter.

"Hey Goth, Jam and I are going to go search for any kind of supplies. We'll be back around this afternoon ok?" He tells me. I nod and stretch. PaperJam pulls Palette's wrist, somewhere from outside the tent, and they disappeared.

That afternoon I was stocking up my bag with supplies the brothers gave me when PaperJam bursts through the tent entrance.

"GOD GOTH, YOU HAVE TO HELP PALETTE!" He screams. I look at the bloody mass in his arms, and nod. Palette is draped across his bed, and I'm healing him. Oh god this looks bad. This looks really really bad.

"Palette... Please wake up..." I murmur, hours later. I push myself up, using his bed, leaning over him for a minute. That when Palette jolts up. His lips lock with mine, and to my suprise he doesn't pull away. In fact, his arms wrap around my neck tightening the kiss. When I pull away for air his eyes are shaped as small hearts.

"I'll wake up if it means I can see you.." He whispers. Then he winces.

"Great. I'm glad. Now stop moving your hurt!" I complain, pushing him onto the bed. A whining noise escapes his mouth, but I ignore it. PaperJam comes in minutes later to check on his brother, so I leave to let them talk in peace. All that fills my mind is the thought of his arms around my neck, his lips pressed upon mine. I want him, but dos he want me.

"Hey Goth, come in here a sec?" I hear Palette call. I obey his orders, and enter the tent again.

"Y-Yes?" I ask.

"Come closer."

Palette's arm slips around my waist, causing me to fall on him. He locks his lips on mine again, and presses me there.

I am the first to pull away again, for fear of hurting Palette.

"Goth. This may seem crazy, but I love you ok? I love you and want you to be mine." Palette pants.

"Oh. Who knows how long we have, of course I'll be yours Palette!" I exclaim. PaperJam wolf whistles behind us.

I don't know how long I have in this world that went wrong, but I think I really am in love.

Word Count: 1073

(A/N): I've noticed that I've made Goth the dom a lot, and that only really applies in the NaJ AU. So, what better place to change him back to more of a sub than the apocalypse kidna. So yeah. I'm working on the angst story I really am, I just find it so difficult to write honestly. Bye!

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