ꉓꃅꍏᖘƬꍟꋪ 2

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After I had shut the large metal door to Brendon's room, I started to walk the long halls to my desk in the office and grab my things, I then head out to make my way home.
As I entered my drive way, I noticed another car parked in there as well, I started to get filled with paranoia and anxiety, I didn't know who the car belonged to, I slowly stepped out and shut my car door, I then made my way  towards the front door, I reach for the key in my pocket to unlock it. I slowly turn it, I start to shake, Turning the key, I enter very cautiously and step inside, my heart dropped at the sight of someone on my couch in the living room, I was clueless of who it was.

"Y/N! Hey you're back!" The stranger says Turning towards me getting up to hug me,
as soon as he said those words, I knew exactly who it was, he wasn't a stranger, he was my best Friend, Dallon Weekes.
"Hey Dallon, nice to see you too, why did you enter my house without permission?" I ask as I untangle from the tall mans hug.
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry, you gave me a key, so I thought I might just put it to use" he said a little embarrassed that he had forgotten to tell you.
"It's fine Dallon, but, why are you here exactly?" I ask him wondering why he would enter my home.
"Oh, I just really wanted to know how Brendon is. Ever since he, well, killed... all those people... I Haven't seen him since... even though he's done bad things, he's still my best friend.." Dallon said, his expression dropping from joyful to depressing.
"I feel the same way Dallon, but Brendon is doing really well, he's gotten better since the first time I've talked to him, in a year he might be as good as new and can leave that hell hole." I say trying to lift Dallon's mood.

"Aw, that's great!" He said boosting his mood up slightly, his smile grew wider as I said those words.

Me and Dallon have been friends for a couple of years now, we met when Brendon had entered the asylum, Dallon had kept trying to get in and visit him, he was very determined to do so, but after a couple of weeks of me saying "no I'm sorry" he finally gave up, but we started talking, and we hit it off.

"Wanna watch some TV while you're here?" I ask Dallon as I walked over to my couch and grabbed the remote.
"Yeah sure, why not" he said walking over to the couch sitting beside me while I was going through the channels. As I was browsing, I clicked on the news.
"The crazed new criminals of Gotham have struck again for yet ANOTHER mass murder, it has seemed that the famous criminals in town, Blurryface and Spooky Jim, had interrupted a concert in the new music stadium in which they had tried to play their own music, but just as the crowd had gotten into the songs, the two men had placed gas masks over their face and had gassed the entire stadium, only a few people had made it out alive, some have been hospitalized. Sadly, most of them had been intoxicated by the gas and died from inhaling it. The two men are now being sent to the Arkham asylum where they will be treated by the best psychiatrist there, and if anything doesn't work with them, they will soon be executed for the mass murder they have caused onto thousands of people." Said the news anchor.
"You have got to be kidding me" I say putting my hands in my head processing what I had just heard.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry y/n" Dallon said putting a hand onto my back gently rubbing in circles trying to comfort me.
"I'm gonna have to treat those psychos, they are worst than any patient I have seen, and I haven't even met them before..." I say stressing out over the two men that had been charged for murder.
"Don't worry y/n, I know you can help them, you can help anyone, you're the best of the best." Dallon said taking his hand off and leaning in for a hug.
"You got this." He said quietly only enough for me to hear since his head was in the crook of my neck.
"Thanks Dallon." I said and hugged back.

It's Monday, great. My first day with the new guys, fan-fucking-tastic. Luckily, these two men won't be in the same room together so I won't have to deal with too much madness.
The first guy I'm dealing with is Tyler R Joseph, aka, Blurryface.
As I walk into the mad mans room, his face was plastered with a large smile, but he didn't seem happy at all, because his eyes, his eyes looked like they had seen the world burn over and over, and they were the cause of it.

"Hello pretty lady~"


WOWIE! That was a pretty neato chapter, what do you think about it? It's about to get a lil crazy in the next couple of chapters, so be ready!

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