ßꂦꈤꀎꌗ: ꉓꃅꍏᖘƬꍟꋪ 15

354 19 14

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There were many things is this world that I cared about, but most of all there were two people that I cared for the most, Brendon, and Y/n.
God, y/n, she become my world ever since we met.

"Listen lady, you have to let me in, I need to talk to Brendon and make sure he's okay." I asked trying to push towards his room.
"Sir, he is mentally unstable and it would bring more trouble to this situation if you talk to him right now." The women said, trying to persuade me to leave.
"Okay, fine, but I'm gonna keep coming back until I can get in there and talk to him." I said pointing my finger at her while walking backwards, I ended up running into a wall...
She giggled and came up to me.
I looked down at her, wow, that smile, that beautiful smile, that's where our friendship blossomed, where she captivated me.
"Well alright, you do that" she giggled.
"My name is y/n y/l/n by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you...." she paused, I assumed she was wanting to know my name, so I gave it to her.
"Dallon, my name is Dallon Weekes" I said, returning her bright smile while extending my hand out.
She took it and shook.
Wow, she's so tiny, well, that's maybe because I'm basically a tree.
After awhile I came to visit every single day, I always came to try and talk to Brendon, but then, my reason changed, I started coming to see her, to talk to her, to see her laugh at my cheesy jokes, I wanted to just be around her.
Soon we started meeting up without being in the asylum, we got coffee, went to movies, just, hung out. It was great, I loved it, I wanted to make her happy, I wanted to give her the world, but of course she never knew that...
"Hey Dal?" She asked, turning to me.
My heart started to race as I looked over to her, blood rushing to my face.
That always happened when I was around her, I just couldn't help it.
I was dumbfounded by her, so head over heels for a girl who didn't even know I loved her with all of my heart.
"Yes?" I asked.
"You know, you're the first friend I've had since I moved over here, I really appreciate you, so, so much. You know that right?" She said, tilting her head.
"Y/n... of course, same goes for you, I appreciate more than words can say." I said, looking deeper into her e/c eyes, I could just stare, forever.
"Thanks Dally, you're the best." She said smiling up at me, leaning in.
I leaned in as well, closing my eyes, aiming for her lips.
Her arms wrapped around me.
I awkwardly and quickly wrap mine around her body.
She release her arms me and gave a light hearted smile, I returned it.


That wasn't one of the best moments I had with her, but it was one that I would never forget.
There were two coffins, one with her in it, and another patient of hers, Josh Dun, that was his name.
I walked over to her coffin, her hand was embraced by another mans, his name was presumably Tyler Joseph, one of her patients, apparently they couldn't get the hands apart, so they just kept them like that.
It made my heart ache.
I looked down at her lifeless, colorless corpse, my eyes kept flickering to her, then to their entangled hands.
My heart was being stabbed.
Tears welled up in my eyes, there was a lump in my throat, I let out a giant sob, one I had kept in until everyone left.
Cry after cry, I fell to my knees, banging my fists to the soft green grass, I laid down, triggering a flashback.

We both laid on the soft green grass, looking up at the midnight sky, watching every star twinkle.
"Thanks for taking me up here Dal, I really had to get away from work and all that stress. You're a life saver." She said, turning her head towards me, smiling.
She always had one of those smiles that everyone could love, the kind that makes you feel warms and gives you butterflies, the one that makes you want to smile back.
"Well, that's my job, I'm always here to help you out." I chuckled, giving back the smile.
She turned her head, giggling a bit, and looked back up at the stars, they shined so brightly, twinkling one by one.
I turned my head to look at her, stunning.
To me, she was more beautiful than the stars in the sky, I could just stare forever, she was a master piece, a work of art that everyone should see.
She made me love struck.
I was never going to tell her I loved her anytime soon, only when I knew she loved me back, I didn't want to deal with heartbreak again, it doesn't ever feel good.
So, I'll wait, forever if I have to, just until she's ready, I will always put her happiness first.
"Dallon?" She giggled.
"Why are you staring at me?" She said, giving me a confused smile.
"Oh! I, uh, there was a uh, fly, on your face, but it just flew off!" I stuttered.
"Heh, okay then" she smirked while sitting up.
"It's getting late so I think I'm gonna head home, I had a great time. See you tomorrow?" I said while standing up.
"Yeah! Of course, see you tomorrow." I said, standing up as well.
She walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my body, giving me a hug, I returned it.
After our embrace, she let go, leaned up and pecked me on the cheek with her lips.
"See you later!" She said, waving goodbye.
I stood there, shocked, yet so happy.
A smile rose onto my face, I held the spot where she kissed me with my hand.
"B-bye!" I stuttered while waving back.
What a night.

"Sir? Sir! You need to get up! We have to burry the bodies now! Hellooooo???" Asked a man with a shovel as he waved his gloved in front of my face.
"Oh, sorry, yeah okay" I spoke with no emotion.
I stood up, and sat away from where the coffin was, I wanted to stay until it was buried all the way, and so I did.
After an two hours or so, they had finished burying both of the coffins, Josh's, and y/n's and Tyler's.
It was a dark and cloudy day, which matched my mood today, and probably for a while.
The sun had fallen and the storm rolled in.
Drip drop.
Drip drop.
Drip drop.
The rain started to fall,
Gently at first,
But suddenly it was hitting me hard. Thunder boomed all around and the lightning zapped through the dark, and sad clouds.
I stood up, making my way to her grave. Standing there, tears threatening to fall.
I let them.
They streamed down my face, the rain camouflaging them just as another rain drop.
"Y/n" I cried out.
"I miss you so much." I sobbed harder.
"I never told you this, but I've always loved you, ever since we met, your smile, your laugh, your kind heart, I loved it all, but I never got to tell you, and I regret that so fucking much, you were the sun shining in my dark, and lonely world, you showed me the the beauty of this cruel place, that not everything is bad... I knew that when you were my light, I gripped onto you, I tried to keep it lit, but I didn't have anymore matches, and that light went out, and now I'm surrounded by so much darkness. It's consuming me y/n, and I shouldn't let it, but I just can't help it. I'm lost, I'm broken, I need you.... I'm sorry..." I cried, wiping the salty tears stained on my cheeks off with my sleeve.
Then, I felt warmth, the warmth I felt when I was around her.
I felt arms come around me, I saw an outline of her in front of me, hugging me.
I cried harder.
"It's okay Dal, you're gonna be alright, I promise, I will always love you, and I will always be with you, in here." She spoke.
I felt a gently tap on my heart.
I smiled, looking down at her, and there she was, real as ever.
"A-are you real...? P-please tell me y-you are, come back with me, p-please, I miss you" I cried, putting my hand onto her soft cheek.
"I'm sorry Dallon, but I can't, I've past on, there's no going back now." She looked up with a concerned yet very caring expression.
"O-okay, but, will I ever see you a-again...?" I asked, worry plastered on my sad face.
"I'm not sure, but let's hope so, don't give up Dal, no matter what hardships you go through, I'll be right by your side." She said, putting her head against my chest.
I held her, taking all of this in, knowing that this might be the last time I'll ever see her.
"Y/n, It's time to go." Called a man with brown fluffy hair, I assumed that was Tyler.
"oh, okay." She said, leaving my embrace.
"I have to go Dallon, until we meet again." She said, kissing my cheek, walking away and locking hands with Tyler.
She turned her head my way, giving a heart warming smile, and waving goodbye. I returning the smile, and watch her disappear.

I slowly waved.


I decided that I needed to put Dallon in the story a little more, so here you go, a little bonus chapter for you. I realized the actually story ending with Tyler was a bit more depressing, so I made this one to kind of make the ending more fulfilled and make it seem more like an ending if that makes any sense.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed read this book, I know I really loved writing this, just because it was something that I had never really written before, I had wanted to make it a little different than other fanfics I had read, because most of them had been very similar, you know? So I thought if I couldn't find anything different then I might as well make one!
Well, enough of my rambling, I hope you're day isn't going too bad, try to make the best out of it,

Buh bye :)

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