ꉓꃅꍏᖘƬꍟꋪ 4

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I walked the long hallways of this crazed mental asylum and make my way towards Josh's room.
As I step in front of the door I unlock the several locks that were placed upon the door.
This guy is gonna be a tough nut to crack, after I had unlocked them all, I open the door slowly to reveal Josh. His face looked like it was made of stone, he was emotionless. I walk up to the chair across from him, in between us was a table, just like Tyler's. I look down at my clip board yet again to check his info.

Occupation: drummer, professional criminal
Known associates: Blurryface
Diagnosis: General anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder
Charges: sale of illegal drugs, substance abuse, Larceny, assault, murder.

After reading more about him I needed to know about him face to face. I look up from the clipboard and see him staring right at me, giving chills up my spine.
"Where's Tyler?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice, still staring me down.
"Tyler is safe and sound in another room, don't worry Josh, you'll both get to see each other very soon, but before that, I need to ask a few questions." I say looking at him giving a small smile.
Surprisingly, he gave back a faint light hearted smile.
"So Mr.Dun-" "please, just call me Josh" he interrupted.
"So, josh, how are you feeling today?" I ask wanting to know if he would respond like Tyler, or say something in between the lines of 'good'
"I could be better, you know miss...? I didn't catch your name.." he asked,
"Y/n" I respond wanting him to go on.
"You know, y/n, if I could just get out of here, I would probably feel great, so why don't you unlock those doors, let me go get Tyler, and have us leave, and no one will be killed." He said, his face was plastered with an angry psychotic smile.
"Josh, please understand that I'm here simply to help you and your mental state, same thing with Tyler." I said trying to be as reasonable as possible, he was starting to get irritated.

"WELL IF YOU WANT TO HELP SO BADLY, WHY DON'T YOU JUST DO WHAT I SAY!" He yelled at the top of his lungs standing up from his chair punching his fist against the table, towering over me,frightening me.
"Josh" I say, standing up slowly, I put my hand onto his shoulder trying to comfort him,
"You know I can't do that, but I can try as hard as I can to help you out in life, I want to help you get better, but if you're not cooperating I can't help you feel better." I said, worried.
I looked into his eyes, and they said it all. He looked like he was fighting off his anger with his own pity, he could've probably knocked me out right then and there, but the pity had won this fight. He nodded and started to sit down, I did too.
"Why do you care so much? You could be out having a normal job, living a normal life, but yet you're here, trying to help out a couple of psychos get their life together, so why?" Josh asked tilting his head in confusion to where his hair fell to the side of his face.
"I do it because I know there are people in this world who are going through the worst time, then they may start crimes, drugs, and maybe some other stuff, because this isn't the brightest place in the world. I don't want people to have to do bad things to feel like they mean something, I want them to live a better life and do good in the world than cause harm to others." I say explaining to Josh why I do what I do.
His face turned from confused, to surprised yet caring.
"You are a truly beautiful person..." he said, letting a small smile slip his lips until he clicked back to reality.
I blushed at his kind compliment and then stood up to leave and end the session. We said our goodbyes and I shut the large metal door heading towards my office to end the long day of talking with the strangest patients I've met.

Ey yo wuddup my dude! How was that chapter..?? I'm planning on doing something with Brendon and or Dallon in the story, so get ready for that ;)))

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