ꉓꃅꍏᖘƬꍟꋪ 5

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It's been a few weeks since I had first met with Tyler and Josh, they are pretty sweet boys once you get to know them and I know that they trust me, but they can Also be terrifying.
Yesterday, when everyone was eating lunch, I was wandering the halls and noticed Josh and Tyler having a conversation until someone had bumped into Josh. Tyler and Josh had tuned around and stared at the other patient in complete rage. "Excuse me, could you please leave?" Tyler said, still staring at the patient with burning rage (Im sorry, I really wanted to make that joke)
The patient had just stared down into the ibis of Tyler's eyes. "You got a problem buddy?" Said the patient starting to puff his chest, but Josh had stepped in front of Tyler, "yeah, I think we do..." said Josh, and right before I knew it, he pulled out a shiv and started to bolt towards the patient. The patient had realized what was about to happen, but his reflexes were to slow to dodge Josh's weapon. The patient started bleeding profusely, security rushed in and started to pull Josh away from the bleeding man, Tyler screamed after Josh, but he was held back by the other guards. As they were dragging them apart I rushed in the cafeteria and went to go see the man bleeding out, no one was helping, I had to do something. "NURSE, DOCTER, PLEASE, ANYONE, HELP THIS PATIENT ASAP!" I pleaded, even if that patient wasn't mine, I still needed to help. Suddenly Brendon appeared beside me, he looked at me with worry yet with a glimpse of care. He had tried to lift the bloody man, but it was no use.
Finally, a couple of nurses had arrived, "ITS ABOUT GOD DAMN TIME!" I shout at them, they just roll their eyes and start picking the patient up and taking him to go get patched up. Brendon just stared at amazement at how I yelled at them, he smiled and then started to speak, "you're a good person y/n, I wouldn't want to lose a person like you." He said still smiling. I then thanked him quickly but then rushed over to Tyler to try to get him to calm down. "Tyler, please, breath, in through your nose, out through your mouth, just breath, its going to be okay, you'll see Josh again." I said placing my hand on his should, I start to feel his frantic breathing slow down, I signal for the guards to let go of him, after they did, Tyler had fell into my arms. It had taken me by surprise, but I held him in my arms to comfort him. I started to feel a hot liquid hit my shoulders, tears, they were hot tears leaking from Tyler's sorrowful eyes. "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to hurt him, anger just took over." Tyler said between whimpers. "It's okay Tyler, I forgive you, but you need to control that anger, I'll talk to Josh about that." I said patting Tyler's back. "I know he'll understand, we really like you y/n, a lot, and we don't ever want to leave you, we care an awful lot for you." Tyler said. Those words brought chills up my spine leaving my face plastered with slight fear, I looked around realizing Brendon had witnessed the whole thing, his face had a hint of anger, but when we made eyes contact, it turned into a worried look. I started to calm down about the words, "I feel the same Tyler, I want to help you, and I think you and Josh are really taking things very well, and maybe in a few years, you'll be out of here as good as new." I said pulling out from the hug and looked him in the eyes, they were still filled with tears and they were slightly puffy, he started to smile wiping his tears away and gave me another quick hug, "thanks y/n, I really needed that talk, but, will you still come see me when I leave this place in a couple of years..?" He said, eager to know the answer. "I'm not so sure Tyler, but I'll try" I said awkwardly wanting to get out of this situation. "Oh, I'll make sure we do..." he said quietly under his breath but I was able to hear it which terrified me. "What was that Tyler?" I ask, trying to avoid that I had actually heard that, "o-oh, I said I hope so" he said trying to fix what he said. "Ah, well, I'll see you later Tyler, I have some patients to attend to in a couple of minutes." I said waving Tyler goodbye and heading to where they held Josh.
As I entered, he was sprawling around trying to get out of the straight jacket. After he had realized I was here he had settled down. "Hello Josh, are you okay?" I said squatting down next to him on the floor. "I could be better, but ya know, I'm in a straight jacket and all, I can't necessarily get out of this." He said a little pissed off. "Don't worry, I'll trying getting you out, I know you hurt the man out of rage, but you need to control that. If you can't, they'll keep you in this for a long time." I said pointing at his straight jacket. He sighed and just mouthed a small "okay" and looked back at me. "Good, now I'll go find a way to get you out of this, but it may be awhile, you know how the staff is, they're very cautious of you guys, they don't really trust you, but don't worry, I always will." I said starting to stand up and ruffle his hair while smiling, he flinched at first but then started to accept it, he then looked up at threw back a smile, "thank you" he said. I started to walk out and went to go talk to the staff about letting him go back to his room and out of the jacket.

Yo yo, I got some feels writing this chapter, what do you thinks gonna happen next..?? I'm planning something pretty cool, well, at least to me, so be ready for that 👌

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