ꉓꃅꍏᖘƬꍟꋪ 7

547 20 11

Today is Monday, my least favorite day, of course, everyone probably says that, but whose to judge?
As I walk through the entrance doors of Arkham, I start heading towards my office, as I enter I starting getting this weird vibe, it doesn't feel right, something's off about Arkham, but then again, it is a mental asylum for the criminally insane.
I start to set my things down and go to check up on Brendon.
Since our last session, after I warned Tyler and Josh, I contacted the main office of the asylum to lock Brendon up and keep him in more of a 'less escapable' room and had him take more pills than usual to help him, mainly because of, well, you know why...
as I unlock the door I see him sitting on the floor in a straight jacket with his head down with his messy raven black hair covering his face. It didn't seem like he even noticed I was here until I spoke up,
"Brendon" I said squatting down to sit beside him. "Are you feeling any better? I'm sorry I had to lock you in here, but you know full and well that what you did yesterday, it was unacceptable" I said scolding the restrained man. He looked up, sorrow in his brown eyes,
"Do you like masquerades?" He said, Turning his frown into a devilish smile.
"Brendon, please stop avoiding my question" I said sternly looking him dead in the eyes.
"I Said, do    You.   Like.   Masquerades?" Brendon said leaning in closer.
"Yes, I think they are very beautiful Brendon" I said smiling but still slightly irritated. He leaned in to where his mouth in next to my ear,
"Would you like to dance?" He whispered, and before I knew it, my vision began to fade into darkness....

"Ugh..." I groan as I sit up, I look around to find out I am no longer in the asylum, I'm in a beautiful velvet red bedroom. I take off the covers and stand up looking around for an exit. I find a large door and try jiggling the handle, no luck, it's locked. I then walk across the room to find a card with my name on in and beside it is a long black dress topped off with a mask. I picked up the note with curiosity and started to read it.

Dear y/n,
I know this must be strange for you, waking up in a room only to find a lovely dress and a mask to fit across that stunning face of yours, but, please don't panic! You are completely safe, and you will not be harmed (unless necessary).  But that's not all, as you notice, the door is of course, locked. But! I did leave the key somewhere in the room, I thought we should have a little fun, so, you'll just have to find it... 
also, please put on the dress and the mask. Because you can't have a party without being a little dressed up!
Take care, and don't lose your head trying to find that key.
Yours truly,
B.U. <3

"Urie you bastard" I cursed under my breath as I threw the note down in anger. If I wanted to live, I have to play by the rules, so that's just what I'll do.
I then proceed to put on the dress and place the mask to the side for now and start searching for the key.
As I look around I start looking in lower places to see if it's in a corner or under the bed. As I walk around I then spot something shiny, "THE KEY!" I yell as I rush towards it.
Then, something snapped, and without realization I look up and find a large axe in the corner of the ceiling come out from the walls, swinging right towards me.

"What the-

Heheheehe ;)))))  don't ya just LOVE cliff hangers?  No?   Me neither

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