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"Wake up... Hey... Wake up..."

It seemed as though someone was calling me from another world. I slowly opened my eyes to look at a guy I've never seen before. He looked few years older than me.

"Who are you...?" I looked around and I couldn't recognize the place. "Where am I...?" I said and looked around for a while. Finally my blurry image got used to with the surroundings and could see that it was definitely someone filthy rich by just looking at room.

"I'm Haruya. I'm sorry my brother caused trouble to you," he said apologetically. "Your brother?" I asked gingerly. This is not turning out good...

"Akito is my brother," he said and sighed. "He is such a troublemaker," he added.

"Troublemaker!? That's an understatement, he is..." I quickly stopped before I could open my big mouth to get into more trouble than I already am. "Er, nothing, sorry. Thank you for saving me," I said and got out of the bed hurriedly.

"Wait, you cant go outside," he quickly said and stopped me. "Why?"

"He doesn't know you're here,"

"I thought he told you to pick me up from the woods...?" I said because until now, I thought that must be the reason his brother saved me. But come to think of it, no that's not possible. Why would he do that?

"No, it was the driver that informed me about you. If Akito will come to know that the driver informed me, he will get the driver fired. The driver was worried for leaving a girl alone in the woods like that. I could guess there was no house near that area from the way he was speaking," he said and made me sit on the sofa that was so elegant, I cant believe its in someone's room. Even though I'm from rich family and our house is big, it is rather filled with less decorative furniture so it is more of a simple look.

"How did you find me? I walked quite long from the woods,"

"Just a luck. And I knew it was you because of the uniform of course,"

"And now how should I go back home...?"

"I've called one of my mom's makeup artist to make you look different. She must be reaching here soon," he said and looked at clock that was just elegant as other furniture in the room. This room screamed how rich this entire family is.

"Just wait here, I'll be back,"


Just like that, he stormed out of the room, leaving me alone in there. I hope he comes back soon. I looked around and walked over to what looked like study table. Why the study table should have golden border!? If this was mine, I could never study because I would be scared to damage it.

There was a glass showcase with some animal figures inside and was marked Ueno Zoo. I chuckled as I finally found something not very expensive decor in the room. I kept on looking around and found a photograph of 3 boys and 1 girl who all looked not older than 10. One of the boys was very lean and thin. The girl looked the oldest.

Is one of the boys that mean brat? If so, he used to have bright smile because everyone in the picture was smiling so brightly. Why did he turned out to be that evil...?

"She's here," Haruya's voice said and I turned around to look at him with a lady whom I recognize very well. Shit, this is very bad.

She came with huge bag of makeup kits from his behind.

"This is Arakawa Siho, she will make you look different,"

"Nice to meet..." she stopped in the middle as she recognized me. How wont she, she is my make up person too! She is a quite well known makeup artist who is in her mid twenties.

"N-Nice to meet you! I'm Matsuzaka Aya," I quickly introduced myself and rushed to hold unto her hands. As Haruya couldn't see my face, I narrowed my eyes and shook my head just for her to notice to send the message to her that not to speak anything about me.

"I'll come back when you're done, okay? Be quick as possible and call me when done," Haruya said and jogged out of the room.

Arakawa-san quickly closed the door behind and looked at me questioningly.

"What exactly is happening?" she narrowed her eyes curiously.

"Lets start with make up first and I'll tell you everything,"

She took me into bathroom and washed my face and removed the contact lenses and started to shampoo my hair with the special shampoo that'll remove the black color of my hair.

"So what's going on?" she said while washing my hair.

I told everything from beginning till the end.

"Oh my god! I should inform the Nakanishimatsu sama!" She said quickly taking her mobile out.

"No!" I stopped her and snatched her mobile and put it back into her pocket.

"Please don't tell anything about what Hagiyama did to me. It is all my fault because I was so stubborn to go to his school so I called this trouble for myself. Its just about one year, I'll endure it,"

"Have you gone crazy? This is just starting of the year and he started to pick on you. You are going to endure this for entire year! That's not happening, okay?"

"I-I will do something about it, okay? So please don't tell my parents, okay? Please?" I begged her and she finally gave in. "Okay, but if it doesn't end and if I'll ever see you like this again, I'm going to tell the guy whom he is messing with or your parents," she said in warning tone.

"I was told to make you look different and what I did was erasing all the makeups done to you," she said and chuckled as she looked at my natural face and admired it for few seconds. "You look like a doll, you know," she said and searched for something in her makeup bag.

"I get that a lot. But I don't really know it for myself," I said with a smile and excitement for the makeup she was about to do.

"Lets just do little amount of makeup," she said taking out nude color palettes and foundations. "Just a bit is enough," she said while spreading the foundation on my face.

"Just a bit of blush..."

"Just a bit of eye liner..."

"Just enhance brow a bit..."

"And glossy touch on your lips..."

"Its done!" She said and gave me a hand mirror to look at myself. There was not much of makeup and I liked it that way. "Thank you, Arakawa-san," I said with a smile.

She called Haruya and informed him it was done and within few minutes, he was back into his room.

"Where is..." he stopped as he saw my face. "You look... absolutely... stunning," he whispered and looked at me as though he was hypnotized. "Er, thank you,"

"Can I go out now?" I asked and he finally seemed like he was back into his senses.

"Huh? Eh, yeah, sure. Lets go," he said taking my hand.

"Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life," I said and smiled at him and he genuinely smiled back in return. "I'm glad I could save you so I could see you could look this beautiful," he said with a playful wink.

. * . * . * .

I really need some feedback on this story if anyone is reading it...

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