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I was wondering if there was going to be another bike ride, but thankfully, it was just around the lake. He went around the corner where there were almost no people and stopped near a huge tree. "I think it was this one," he said and crouched down, feeling the thick root of the tree.

That looked so strange coming from Hagiyama.

"Are you gonna dig around?" I asked gingerly and looked around. I don't really want people around to think of us as some crazy couple. People just don't dig around the root of a tree in public parks.

"I think so," he said and paused for a moment before continuing, "but how will I do without a shovel?" he sounded so serious, I just couldn't help but chuckle. "She came home with dirty hands, means she dug with her own hands so why can't you?" I suggested.

"I think this is the spot," he said which was the only place not covered with the roots of the tree. This isn't a movie, he ain't gonna just dig around one random spot and find out something just like that, it will surely take him about tons of digging around.

I just sat there, refusing to dirty my hands and just watched him as he just used his hands to dig the area. After about 10 minutes of digging, when I thought he would give up on that spot, he actually took something out of the ground.

Really!? First guess of spot turns out to be the correct spot!? 

"I knew it!" He said happily and I went closer to see him showing off a sand covered small envelope. "This is surely of Minami," as he said her name on first name basis, I could feel some sort of foreign pang around my chest. What is wrong with me!?

He opened it and took out a letter and a ring slipped out too. I saw his mouth fly open and frozen as he watched the ring drop down on his lap.

"And I also got to hear that she never wanted to use this for her treatment which her mother told her to do. I think she thought her mother would somehow take this ring and use it for her treatment so she wanted it to be safe," I said out and he looked at me and back to the ring. "She is so stupid, she could have told me, I could have just paid for the treatment," he barely whispered.

"May be she felt that'd be like using you. May be she wanted to get better by her own and be with you," I suggested and saw him biting his quivering lips. He looked so pitiable, I just wanted to go and give him a hug but somehow, I just didn't.

"I'll wait by the lake side, you probably don't want me invading into your privacy anymore," I said and quickly jogged away before he could say something stupid like to read the letter for him instead. I didn't want to see the words Minami chan had for Hagiyama. That must be love letter.

I sighed and tried to get rid of the weird gloomy feeling forming up in me.

<Akito's POV>

I looked at Matsuzaka who left off for the nearest bench. I tried to stop her but she didn't hear me I guess. That was weird. May be she just wanted to give me privacy.

I just decided to focus back on the letter. My hands started to tremble, in fear of what might come next. In past few hours, I have been reminded of how foolish I was for blaming Minami for everything and never tried to find out what she was really up to. How could I just think of her as someone who could trick people just for money? How could I have been so stupid? Why didn't I have faith on her?

Already before opening up the letter, my vision started to blur out.

I took a deep breathe, cleared out the vision before opening the letter.

~ Dear Akito kun

If you're reading this, I must be gone.

If someone else is reading this, that would be very embarrassing but I hope this is you, Akito kun.

Bullied Girl is a Billionaire  ☑Where stories live. Discover now