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"W-Who's there!?" As I shouted, the noise stopped but there was no response.

It is a girl's area after all, there wont be any guy in here, right? I gingerly opened the door to find no one outside.

I could feel myself shaking both in fear and cold. Is it someone with garbage once again...?

I clutched on the towel tightly around my body and stepped out of the shower compartment to look around carefully. I could hear nothing at all. I slowly stepped forward and went near to where my clothes were kept.


Where are my clothes!?

I slowly opened the door for girl's area to peek outside but there was no sign of any person. I stepped out and looked around but there was only emptiness all around. What should I do...? My mobile was in my skirt pocket, I cant even call anyone for help now...


I could feel my breathe hitch as cold started to take over me. Just then, I heard footsteps behind. I turned back to look at evilly grinning Hagiyama coming out of the girl's area. Where the heck was he hiding earlier!?

"G-Give my c-clothes back!" I said stuttering in the middle as I started to shiver and chatter my teeth. I clutched the towel tight, the only clothe that was covering me. He suddenly turned confused.

"What clothes?" he asked as if he had no idea about it.

"My uniform," I replied. He shook his head and showed me my bag that was dangling from his hand. "I only have your bag," he said making serious face.

"Don't joke and give me my clothes back!" I managed to say without stuttering this time.

"I'm serious. I only took your bag. I didn't see your clothes since I came in," he said and shrugged.

"P-Please, give my clothes back," I said and I could practically see my legs trembling and I couldn't keep up standing and let myself miserably fall on my knees. "H-Hey, I told you I don't have them!" He shouted and brushed his hair back in frustration.

"Don't you have spare clothes? What about sports jersey?" He asked suddenly and I shook my head. "I cant go to class like this," I sighed.

He suddenly grabbed my arms and pulled me up. "What are you doing!?" I tried to protest but I had no energy to do anything. He dragged me back into the girl's area and settled me down on a corner.

"Which class are you in?" he asked in pretty serious tone.


"I said, which class are you in?" he asked in frustration.

"Class one, section 2..." I said barely in whisper. He suddenly crouched down bringing his face near mine and said, "louder."

I repeated again with my heart rate rising in speed. What the heck was that!?

"Locker number?"


Just with that, he rushed to the cupboard and opened the drawer and took couple of towels out and threw it to me before running out of the room. Is he actually trying to help me...? No way! This cant be anything good. There must be some plan behind all this. Specially after the slap, he definitely cant be good to me at all...

I could feel myself more shaking so I grabbed one of the towels he threw to cover the lower leg and another one to wrap it like a veil on my head to cover the upper back and head. I rested my back on the wall and waited for like 10 minutes in the agonizing coldness until he came back huffing and puffing with my jersey bag. He had turned a bit red from running all the way.

Bullied Girl is a Billionaire  ☑Where stories live. Discover now