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<Aya's POV>

I looked up at the villa I've never been before. Why do I feel like this is a nostalgic place? I looked around but I couldn't find anything that reminded me of anything specific. 

"Why do I feel nostalgic?" I said rather to myself and noticed Hagiyama looking down at me with strange expression. I quickly looked away from him. I didn't know how to face him. 

"Welcome back, Obochhama, it's been really long," an old hunched lady greeted us at the door. "Been long?" He questioned her. "I used to take care of you when you were very little, you might not remember me," she said and she bowed to me as well. "Welcome to you, Ojousan," and she led us inside. It was quite big from outside and unlike his house, it was very less decorated so it looked very spacious. In spite of being less decorative, it was simple and looked very beautiful.

There was less space taking decorative but there were so many paintings and pictures hung on the wall. Most pictures contained four little kids. "This way to your rooms," the old lady led us further and went upstairs. We both went behind her without any words. "This will be your room, Obochhama. And this will be yours, Ojousan," she pointed to our respective rooms. The rooms were facing each other. 

"And that will be your bathroom with toilet. Freshen up and take rest before I prepare the meal for you. And your clothes and essentials are ready in the cupboards," she explained pointing to the door at the end of the hallway and bowed. "I will be available in the kitchen downstairs in case you need anything," she said with a warm smile. "Have a good time," she said before walking back down. 

"I'll get going then," I said, heading to my room. "Wait," I jerked up for his sudden voice. "Are you okay?" He asked again in concern. How could I tell him, I was not. From that moment Yuuya kun kissed me, I felt like digging my own grave and vanish. And it was not only because he kissed, I was not okay because that happened in front of Hagiyama's eyes. 

"Nakanishimatsu..." I felt his gentle hand on my shoulders. Suddenly, tears started to flow uncontrollably again. I felt his hand travel down to my hand and he abruptly pulled me in my room with him. Before I could understand what he was trying to do, he locked the room behind and faced me to him. 

"Wha... mmh!" He wiped my lips with his sleeves vigorously. 

Next moment, he had came even more closer and his lips were on mine. And unlike the another kiss, I felt butterflies all over. Before I knew it, I found myself kissing him back. I felt warmth and happiness flowing back in me again. 

He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. "I don't want to see you cry again. I don't want to make you cry again," his words tickled my face. "Be with me, I wont ever leave you," he looked straight into my eyes. All the gloomy feelings were long gone and I was filled with happiness and it was overwhelming in a good way. This took me by surprise and it was a sudden confession, and I wasn't expecting this to be happening but I knew what my heart wanted. 

"Yes," as I said, his lips landed on mine again. 

"It's really an attic!" I involuntarily squirmed in excitement as I saw Hagiyama pulling out ladder from a ceiling panel. "I knew it had to be somewhere around here," he said. He seemed excited about it too. I was always excited about cozy places like these. There was no such attic at our home so I was way too much excited to go up there. 

"Wait, I'll go check it up," Hagiyama said and climbed up the ladder. After few minute, he came back to the entrance and signaled me to come up as well. "Careful with your head," before he could finish saying that, I was already standing straight in the room. And noticed Hagiyama had to bend a little to fit in this low height attic. 

"Lucky to be small," he chuckled and I replied him with a short glare. I was not very small compared to other girls. It was just him that was too tall. 

I looked around the place ignoring his comment. It was little dusty but it seemed they take care of the place time to time. There was a huge mattress covering half of the attic and colorful pillows surrounded the mattress. The mattress was covered with a mandala design sheet. There was a small old TV with some weirdly wide cassette inserting space. I had never seen such old TVs. 

"What is this?" I asked flipping the cassette inserting panel. "This is still here! This is VCR tape insertion. This is the only TV I have seen with it, it's really old," he said nostalgically. He switched on the TV but it just turned different black and after few seconds of interval, it turned on to show snowflakes. There was no sound but it was an irritating sight. 

Hagiyama tried the buttons on the TV. It seemed like it was flipping channels but no channel had any signal. Of course, it looks like it is at least couple of decades old TV after all. How come this is still there? He turned it off and sat down on the mattress with a gleeful sigh. "This used to be Natsuo's favorite hangout," he started and took my hand and motioned me to sit. 

I sat beside him, and listened to him as he continued. "I think Aniki has already told you about him, you're not asking about him," as he said, I got little panicked. Haruya san said not to let him know that I already know about it, what should I tell him!?

"He was my twin," before I could come up with any excuse, he started. I gulped as he continued. May be he doesn't mind much about this matter. "We used to play a lot in this room when we were small. I don't remember everything clearly but I remember, this room was his favorite. If someone scold him or something happened to him, he used to come to this room and stay alone and I used to come here to call him to come back. I guess that's why they didn't change the stuffs in this room, to let this room stay as it has always been," he said looking at the TV. 

"Oh, and there must be albums somewhere around here if my memory is correct," he said and looked around the room. It wasn't very huge to search for it. I then looked at a wooden box at the corner of the room, almost hidden by the mattress. "May be there?" I pointed and he went ahead to move the mattress away. It was actually a small cupboard with 2 drawers. It had so many scratches and some carving done by small child. 

He pulled out one of the drawers and it was filled with some small toys. And some was girlish dolls. There was a drawing book. Out of curiosity and a strange feeling, I took it out and flipped the pages. It was full of childish drawings. Some I could figure out it must be person and flower but most of them were hard to understand what was drawn. 

"Did you draw these?" I asked him showing the drawing book. "I don't think so. I was never so patient to sit in a place and draw. I think it was of that girl," he said trying to remember something. "Girl? Beside your sister?" I asked out of curiosity. He thought for a while and shrugged. "Well, I don't remember anything about her beside her being foreigner," he said and gave a long stare at me. 

"Well, I was searching for the album," he said opening the other drawer. And there it was. 2 albums stacked in. He grabbed one out carefully and I looked into it from beside him. He dusted it off before turning it open. Most of the pictures inside were filled with him and his twin. There were very few with Haruya san and Fuyuko san. "They didn't live here with us at that time. They were in Tokyo with grandparents. It wasn't for long though," he explained. 

As he flipped through the album, something extremely unbelievable caught my eyes. 

"This one!" He said pointing to the picture of him, his brother and little girl he was talking about. "I don't remember about her, but for some circumstances, I think she was living with us," I don't think whatever he was saying was going into my head as I stared at the picture puzzled. 

"Why was I with you? But why don't I remember anything!?" I finally spoke out and he looked at me stunned. 

. * . * . * .

Hi there! A cliche, I know for the protagonists having met at young age. But well, it's not like this is the only cliche in the story 😅

But hope you like it!

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