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"HE WHAT!?" I couldn't believe my ears. No way, could they mean Hagiyama has feelings for me? That is so impossible.

Oh wait...

I think he has feelings for my real appearance, not this one. And since he thinks we are friends, he came up with that decision of not letting anyone bully me. That makes a lot of sense.

"Come with us," Miyamoto said suddenly and took me by my wrist.

"Hey! Let me go!" I said trying to get free of his hold but it was not possible to get out.

Neither of them spoke anything until we reached the rose garden.

"So tell us what happened between you two," Sugiwara asked as he sat on the bench.

"What would happen between us? You're misunderstanding everything. There is nothing going on!" I said defending myself and took a seat because they were not going to let me go for quite much of time. Miyamoto didn't seem to bother about me sitting beside him this time.

"Why are you guys so much worried? There cant be anything anyway," I sighed when they both stared at me suspiciously.

"We cant let the past repeat. He cannot fall for a poor girl like you again," Miyamoto said and shut him mouth quickly. "Shit, I shouldn't have said that," he mumbled.

"Its okay, I know what happened with him. But don't tell him that I know it and I wont tell about you guys coming to me for interrogate about us," I said calmly and Sugiwara gave an amused look.

"Deal," he said after thinking for a while.

"How did you come to know about it?" Miyamoto asked narrowing his eyes.

"Someone told me about it. By the way, can you tell me about the girl? Anything you know about her?" I asked and they both looked at each other.

"And why do you want to know about her?" Sugiwara asked accusingly.

"I just want to find the girl and make her pay for what she did. Just because of her, innocent people are suffering. Well, it is not entirely her fault because its Hagiyama's outburst but still, she has to pay for her part," I said and they both looked at me with understanding nod which I had least expected from them.

"But are you sure you can find out that girl?" Sugiwara asked.

"I don't know, may be I will be able to if I try hard,"

"You know, Akito went to her house and her parents denied to let him in at any cost. They were rude to him and I think her parents blamed him about the girl leaving," Sugiwara said gravely.

"What...? I didn't know that," I whispered in shock. How can anyone's parents behave like that!? Specially when it was their daughter who was faulty. No wonder Hagiyama has extreme temper management problem with poor people.

"I think they will do the same with you even if you go there," Miyamoto suggested.

"Besides, I don't think you should butt in into his business. He will be mad if he finds out so you better stay out of it," Sugiwara suddenly said sharply taking me by surprise and anger.

"It is not only his business! It is the one who is suffering because of that girl! Even if I'm no longer bullied, doesn't mean Hagiyama wont harm any random poor people. Someone has to stop and I don't think Hagiyama or any of you is going to be the one to stop. May be I might not be able to, but still it will be better than quitting before trying. And if you think I am butting in his business, you can go to hell," I shouted and picked up my bag and rushed out. Thankfully, neither of them stopped me until I got just out of the rose garden.

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