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*There's important A/N at the end, I'd like it if you'd read the A/N of this chapter*

"Thank you for dropping," I bowed at the driver politely and turned to Hagiyama. "Lets go," he took my hand and dropped me till the door. I had sudden urge of kissing him. I glanced at the car we just left behind but we were clearly in the driver's view. He grinned as he noticed I was checking the car. 

"We will meet again," he said and kissed my forehead from an angle the driver wouldn't know. I felt blush covering my face and nodded. He patted my head as if he was taking care of a kid. I gave him short glare before waving at him. "See you," I said before going in. He refused to come inside for the things mom had said earlier. I didn't force him to, either. 

"Aya, don't make any plans this Friday evening after your school," dad said on the dinner table. "Why so?" I asked in between stuffing my face with favorite white sauce pasta. "We are going out for food that day," he said simply and I nodded. It sounded rather simple but I felt something fishy from his tone. But I decided not to question anything.

A day before the dinner, dad came to my room right after dinner which was very unusual of him. He knocked and called out for me, "Aya, I have something important to talk about," he said and I opened the door gingerly. 

"Dad? What is it?" I said and settled down on the chair while dad settled down on the bean bag. "There was something I had been hiding from you. From when you were a little girl," he started. I gulped and waited for him to continue. Is this about the marriage thing Arakawa san had told me long ago? Was he finally ready to tell everything? 

"You were just born when I had stepped into business world. Hagiyama was the one that helped me out at that time. He was a friend of mine from high school. He even agreed to take you in with them for a month when you were small. I almost lived in the office at that time. Your mother was busy too with her fashion way. It was a peak in both of our time so we took their help so that they can take you in for a month," this explained why I was in that villa. But why was he telling all of these all of a sudden? 

"Later after that, Hagiyama suggested something. He said to lets marry you and his son later when you become adults. It was for the business to grow between the families. At the moment when we had conversation, I agreed with him, not thinking about the future," so finally he came to the point. I felt a pang as I came to know he had agreed a marriage for me without my knowledge when I didn't even have the knowledge about marriage. 

"But later, I felt guilty. I felt guilty for doing that to you. I had agreed to something which I had no rights on. But my business kept growing only because of those words so I couldn't take it back later. So when I realized it, it was too late. I kept you away from that family trying to hide you from them. I made you go to public schools so that they wont track about you easily if they want to, because they wouldn't think I had admitted my daughter in a public school," finally I started to figure out the reason behind him trying to hide my identity. He was trying to hide me from Hagiyama!

Ironically enough, Haruya san was the first one to come to know about my real identity. And later his brother and then his friends too. I had messed it up from the very beginning, the real reason of hiding my identity. 

"So I was scared that Hagiyama would find you when you selected this school. And of course his son being a bully was also one reason for not wanting you to go to this school. But the main reason was for his father to not find out who you truly are. I didn't want you to marry someone because of my business purpose. Keeping my business was important, but you are way more important than that. There's nothing important than you," all the pangs I was feeling was replaced with overwhelming love coming from him and I was hurting now because of the misunderstanding growing in me. 

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