º.Third Dropº.

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Cup groaned as he got dressed for School. Today was the day his popularity died, he was to be tutored by the biggest nerd in the school. "Cup, it's not the end of the world this will help you" cup rolled his eyes as he slipped on his blazer.  "Mug this is the day my life ends..my social life.." He sighed and walked out the door. "Plan the funeral.."

Bendy began to sweat as he entered school, Boris noticed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Bendy don't worry it won't be that bad..me and mugs made sure of it" "wait you talk to Mug? How did I not know about this" "Oh well we actually have a few classes together.." Bendy sighed. "Boris promise me something" "what?" "You'll be a witness to the murder.."

Cup slowly walked down the hall. Everyone looked at him and whispered.

"I can't believe he's going to hang with the newbie.."

"Well there goes our football captain..anyone want to be football captain?"

Cup growled as he turned to look at them all.
"I'm just going to be tutored not killed so shut up! Don't you have lives of your own!?"

They all nervously looked away. Cup was glad that he still had some authority over the school, but after today no one will take him seriously ever again. Cup made his way into history. He looked back at his test and sighed. He needed to pay more attention or he would fail this class also. Mug looked at his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey don't worry maybe bendy can help you with this subject too.." "you think s- mugs don't be ridiculous..i have better things to do than to study about the American revolution" Mug rolled his eyes and looked up at the board as the lesson began. Cup listened carefully, jotting down every note possible. Even if it didn't seem like it he cared deeply about his grades. "Okay students tomorrow is your benchmark, that test will determine if you understand the topics, so good luck..Cause most of you will need it"

The bell rang and cup walked out to the field his brother trailing behind. "Mug, why are you so behind?" Mug quickly put his phone into his pocket. "No reason..i have to go to the library really quick I'll be back" he rushed back into the building. Cup shrugged it off and took his seat under the cherry blossom tree as always. He leaned back and exhaled a sigh. "This is going to be so hard..my popularity is going to die..all that work for nothing.." Cup looked across the field and spotted bendy. He was sitting alone. Cup sat up and stared straight at him. Bendy must have noticed. He quickly raised a book and covered his face. Cup smirked as he stood up, he was about to walk over when the bell rung. Bendy quickly gathered his things and ran to his next class. Cup whistled "Well at least he can run.."

Cup felt a knot in his stomach as he drove home. "Mug I'm not feeling good maybe we should do this another day.." "guess I should tell Jessica your not feeling okay..she was gonna ask you out..but oh well" "I suddenly feel great!" Mug smirked. "Dude I lied about the whole Jessica thing..you're so easy to fool.."

*At Their Home*

Cup slipped off his blazer and his dress shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror and winked "still got it~"

Bendy hesitantly knocked on the front door. He held the math books close to his chest as the door opened. Mug smiled as he let him in. "You have a lovely home.." He he said politely. "Oh thank you, Cup is upstairs, door on the left" Bendy nodded as he made his way upstairs to Cups room. The door was open a bit. He peeked in and blushed at the sight.

Bendys p.o.v
He's not wearing a shirt!?
Did he not know if me coming over?!
Oh I should go back downstairs before things get bad..

Bendy was about to head back down when the floor board made a loud creak. Cup turned to the door and opened it. Bendy froze as he looked at him. His garnet eyes pierced into him. "What are you doing here.." "i-I came to help you with your math r-remember.." He stuttered fixing his glasses. "Oh yeah..let's make things clear..i am not your friend..understand" Bendy nodded. "Now let's get this over with.." He stepped aside letting him into his room. Bendy entered and looked around it was surprisingly clean. "You can sit on the bed, or on the bean bag doesn't matter.." Bendy took the seat on the red bean bag and flipped through his book. "Um..why don't we start on chapter nine.." Cup grabbed his math book and flipped to the beginning of chapter nine. "S-show me what you know..and I'll help you on the things you don't understand.." Cup sighed and nodded as he began doing the problems he understood.

(A/n: I have no idea what algebra is..i am too stupid...🔴👅🔴)

It had been an hour since the tutoring had begun. Cup didn't notice it was dark til he looked out his window. "Oh geez we've been at it for that long.." Bendy looked up from the book. "It's night time..well I guess I should get going..goodnight cup.." Bendy packed up his things and was about to walk out.

"Bendy wait..I'll drive you home.." He blushed lightly and escorted him to the car. The drive to bendy's house was quiet and awkward. "So..how You liking the school.." "it's alright..everyone is nice to me.." Cup sighed. "I'm sorry about the whole locker thing..its just that i-" "here's my house..well goodbye Cup see you tomorrow.."


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