º.Fourth Dropº.

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Cup laid in bed and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed and looked at his text book. "Wait..this isn't mine.." He opened the book and looked at the left hand corner. "Bendy.." He smiled lightly and placed the book down, he reached for a sticky note and wrote down a small message

Bendy walked through the halls everyone was looking at him. "What's up with everyone today..why are they looking at me like that.." he shook off the stares and entered his class. Everyone watched as he took his seat in the back. The professor came into class and began the lesson. The jocks glared at him the entire time. He glanced at them then back at his history book. Feeling the cold dead states still on him he asked to be excused to the bathroom. He splashed his face with cold water and sighed. "It's okay..you're just stressing..calm down..." He walked out of the bathroom and was met with a group of jocks. They glared at him.

"So you think you can turn our captain into a loser like you..heh you really should've stayed in your line..nerd" Bendy closed his eyes as they beat him up. He held his stomach as the bell rung. He sighed and wiped the blood off his mouth. Boris ran to him and helped him to the nurse's office.

Cup sat in algebra waiting for bendy to walk in so he could return his book. But he never showed up. Cup looked at mug worriedly. He was about to ask about bendy when the intercom came on. The professor was informed of what happened to bendy. He looked ta cup and shook his head. "Cuphead. Office. NOW.." Cup walked to the office and was met with his teammates. "What did you guys do to him.." He asked picking one of them up by the collar of their shirt. His question was answered as bendy walked out of the headmasters office. His eyes was bandaged and his lip was busted. He looked at cup and ran off. Cup dropped his teammate and chased after bendy. Bendy ran towards the back and into the field. Cup followed behind, trying to catch up. Bendy soon tripped on a stone and fell face first Into the ground. Cup rushed over and helped him up. Bendy began to sob, cup hugged him trying to comfort him. Bendy looked up at him.

Cup looked down at him and blushed light as he brought his face closer to his own. His closed his eyes as their lips met. Bendy felt the burn on his broken lip and pulled away.

Cup looked at him and handed him a sticky note. He smiled and walked began walking back to the building.

Bendy looked at the note.

I like you....

º.Irrisistableº.//BendyStraw//High school Au//Where stories live. Discover now