º.Seventh Dropº.

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Bendy sat on his bed and looked up at ceiling, his heart was beating fast in his chest. Just the thought of Cup made him lose his breath. "I never really thought this would happen..especially to a person like me.." he smiled and closed his eyes, remembering the kiss he and Cuphead shared under the cherry blossom tree. Like a scene straight out of an anime. He exhaled a breath and sat up as his bedroom door burst open. "Bendy why aren't you ready!?" "Ready for what exactly?" "We're going to the game!" Bendy blushed a dark red "..T-the game.." "yeah! To go cheer for your boyfriend and his brother!"
Bendy groaned "He's not my boyfriend! And we can't tickets sold out this morning.." Boris smiled and pulled two tickets out of his pocket "Don't worry Mug gave me a pair now hurry and get dressed!"

Bendy got dressed and got into the car, Boris smiled as he got into the drivers seat and started the vehicle. "So are you excited to see Cup play!" He gave a small nod and looked out the window.
Boris continued to speak, but Bendy wasn't listening.

Bendy's P.o.v
Why would Mug do this..he knows how Cup feels about people seeing us together..I get he wants to help but this is a bit too much..Why couldn't Cup fall for a cheerleader
Like normal jocks do..

Bendy snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Boris. They had arrived at the stadium.
He exhaled a breath and opened the car door. He looked at the packed stadium and gulped. "Boris maybe we should go back home i'm not feeling good.." Boris shook his head "Nonsense! You will get your ass into that stadium and cheer for your man!" Bendy jumped at the sudden tone "Geez alright i'll go inside.."

Bendy looked at the packed stadium and gulped. He found some empty seats and sat down. Boris say next to him and looked at the field. "Hey! I found Mugs!" Bendy sat up and looked out into the field and sure enough there was Mugs and Cup.

Bendy' s P.o.v
Please let tonight go well..i dont want to embarrass him..please..please...please..

Bendy watched as the game began, he watched as Cup raced down the field scoring touchdowns. A smile spread across his face as Cup looked at the stands and noticed him, he gave a small wave which was returned. Boris smiled as he looked at Bendy "And you wanted to stay home, see i'm always right!" "Yeah you are, thank you for bringing me here..i wouldn't have done it on my own.." Boris hugged him tightly "no problem bro.."

The game soon finished, Home team came out Victorious.

Bendy smiled as he and Boris walked towards the exit. "Bendy! Wait up!"

A chill ran up his spine as he turned around and looked at Cup. "H-hey.." Cup grabbed him by the hand and lead him to the now empty field.

Bendy looked at him confusingly. "Cup what are we doing here? Shouldn't you be at the party Felix is hosting?" He sat on the grass and motioned for Bendy to sit next to him "I know you don't enjoy parties...so i thought we could hang here and watch a movie"

Bendy looked at him confusingly "How are we going to watch a movie on a football field?" Cup pulled a remote out of his pocket and a white sheet fell over the goalpost. Cup whistled and in came Mugs he handed the two a basket full of snacks and another remote "You're welcome and enjoy the film"

Bendy looked at Cup. His face in pure awe "I'm glad you like the surprise.." "Like the surprise..I love it!" Cup smiled as he hugged him tightly "No need to thank me..you deserve all of this and so much more.." Bendy blushed as he hugged back.

The movie soon ended and the two looked up at the sky.
Bendy smiled as he pointed out the constellations. Cup smiled as he placed a hand over Bendy's, causing the little demon to blush madly. He chuckled lightly "You want me to take you home" "yeah.."

-A 34 minute Drive later-

Cup smiled as he looked at Bendy. Bendy blushed as he kissed his cheek and quickly got out of the car a small smile on his face as he closed the front door behind him.

"Tomorrow..all this will mean nothing..sadly.."

º.Irrisistableº.//BendyStraw//High school Au//Where stories live. Discover now