Chapter17: Many many scythes

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Chapter 17: many, many scythes

For what seemed like hours I awoke on that same cott again. Everyone was lurking about, talking and laughing. Then, the crowd parted and there walking to me was Xavier, Lord Magorie, and Lord Koven.

They all smiled madly. "How do you feel?" asked Xavier. I sat up a bit and smiled at the three men. "I feel....great actually."

Lord Magorie smiled wider and hugged me. "Welcome to the realm of the reapers" he said as he whispered in my ear.

"How do you feel?" asks Xavier as he slapped me on the back. "I I feel different" I say happily. Lord Koven flashed his signature sharp toothed grin that always gave me the chills.

"Oh, you have so much to learn my young dragon" Lord Koven interjected.

Obviously he was amused either by me or something else.

Lord Magorie looked happy, I knew it was because I was here.

Xavier went around me to the other side of the cott and put one hand under my arm, Lord Magorie did the same. On a count of three both men lifted me up an gently set me down on the floor.

"Come, follow us," Lord Koven said interrupting the short silence, "we have much to show you, but first we need to get you your proper clothes."

I nodded, "do I get a weapon?" I asked curiously.

"I'm in charge of giving that to you, since I'm the more dominant blood in you. But if there's any reason I am not able to when the time rolls around, Lord Koven will."

I nodded, "so, where are we going?" I asked. Lord Koven smiled again, "we are going to see the Phalers," he said.

"Who are the Phalers?" I asked a bit bemused. "The Phalers are the decor ladies of this realm and many others" explains Lord Magorie as we wove our way through the crowd of people.

The hall looked just like the huge room I had awoken in. Diamonds of every shape, size and color made up the walls. Large golden pillars supported the curved roof, amazing chandlers branched off the roof and shone in all their glory. And on the wall hung more pictures of reapers. I didn't know whether they where past rulers or ancestors.

The floor was made of crystal clear diamond. This place was amazing. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

We walked further down the hall, and then turned right down an even bigger hall. Our footsteps bounced off the walls and floor in sinc.

Located at the end of the hall, there where two huge golden doors much like the oak ones I had previously seen.

As we approached, immediately the foods slid open with a loud, squeak!!

Two guards emerged and spoke in that confusing language. Obviously Lord Magorie understood because he responded with a short word. The guards moved aside and let us in.

It was amazing. It was as if this part of the palace was under a mountain, boy could I have been even more right?

"Wow" I said amazed at the sight in front of me. "This, this is amazing!"

Women in white silk dresses and pinned up hair the colors of red, purple, black and blue ran around frantically.

We ignored them and proceeded to three golden thrones. They where amazing, indescribable. They shone like the moon in the night sky, upon the golden frames where jewels of all colors as I had previously seen. A miniature dragon rested upon the top of the throne, smoke rising from each of the dragons nostrils as they slept.

Upon the thrones, sat three amazingly dressed beings. The one in the middle was a young woman, who wore a silk blue robe and her hair down in curls. She had full red lips and yellow eyes.

She smiled at me, "why hello Maiyan, the new reaper, the hatchling of a dragon, welcome" she said.

I bowed respectfully to the three women, "it's such a pleasure to meet you m'lady."

"I see, are you enjoying your new wings? And what of your sharp smile and horns? Ah we can't forget your tail can we now?" She cooed.

I had almost forgotten about them. I reached behind me, and I touched large leathery wings, I moved my hand down further and met the start of a long reptilian tail. I gasped, and quickly brought my hands to my head, sure enough there sat on my head, where four large, razor sharp horns. I then ran my tongue over my teeth and started to taste blood, so I stopped.

I was half vampire, half dragon. And my two sires where standing behind me.


Sorry for not posting in such a long time I have been busy, I hope you all like and I'm going to try to get to the next chapter quickly, this will continue in the next chapter.

Thanks, all my lovely knives!

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