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Well the day began. Dragon training was started. All the teams were getting ready. Soon H.Ariel Spoke.

"My dear students, Today you will begin your royal adventure of your lives. Each one of you is special in different ways. You all belong to Valuable Fairytales. So Now each one of you get ready!!" H.Ariel Ended after Coach.Beast.

" Emmm...You have shining hair and very nice smile." a timid voice behind Stella spoke up.

When Stella turned around her bright blue eyes met with two beautiful black eyes. She was amazed by the beauty of the Dragon.

"Hello there. I am Stella Ariel and thank you for the Compliment. Your the most lovely dragon I have ever seen." Stella replied with a bright smile.

"Thank you so much. My name is Seashell and My mom is the Dragon of Queen Melodie. You must be her daughter!!" Seashell answered without being Shy for once.

"Yep I am!!"

"I think I will choose you as my mistress for ever after if u like.!!" Seashell said excited.

"Yay!! That's super.... Ahhhh!!!" Stella couldn't finish her sentence because she was lifted into air by a strong wind. She screamed really loudly but Brandon never misses a girl screaming. He ran forward and caught Stella on time bridle style.

"Stel are u Ok?" Brandon asked while having his beautiful brown shiny eyes fulled of worry.

"I am fine Brandon. Thank you for saving me but who made that huge wind.??" Stella replied while looking around.

Brandon kept Stella back on her feet but was pushed on the floor again together with Stella.

"Haha. Oh look Isn't it Brandon Beast, the youngest from all of the others, the most stupid one of all!!" Jason Gaston, the most arrogant boy in the land said with a stupid looking grin.

It was that stupid Jason who has created that wind. He had stolen a magic potion from the Potion Lab of Dr. Lefrog

"Why u little! Keep that mouth of yours shut!!" Brandon exclaimed looking furious.

"What are u gonna do? Send me to the moon?" Jason said while smirking.

Brandon put his fists together and went forward. Brandon Beast was the strongest from all of the boys. No one is stronger than he is. He took Jason by his collar but didn't hit him. He just whispered to him, " I don't wanna beat you up, but next time think before u mess with a Beast!" .

Jason nodded while trembling with fear. He might be the grandson of Gaston but he is scared of the Beasts when they get angry. He fled away like it was the end of the world.

Each and every eye was on Brandon now. He began coming towards Stella but her eyes were big too.

"What??!!" Why are u guys staring at me??" Brandon asked while raising an eyebrow.

Everybody broke out of thier stares and went back to thier own work.

Stella was smiling really proud like.
"Wow Brandon that was really cool but why didn't u hit him. I thought you would!!?" Stella said while giving curious looks.

"Oh. Well, you see I know everyone thinks Beasts are really good fighters and they always beat up people who annoys them but I was never like my brothers. My brothers Michael and Ben would do that I guess but I wouldn't because I just hate making enemies. " Brandon concluded with a serious looking face.

"Oh I see.. That's fine. I am not like my sisters either. Meeshell and Shella love popstars but I guess I don't. " Stella replied.

"Yeah me too. My brothers love celebrities but I don't. Looks like we have a lot in common." Brandon said while giving a warm smile.

"Yeah.... I think so too." Stella said while returning the smile.

"STELLA!!!!!!! ARE U OK??" Seashell came towards her while having a worried face.

"Seashell don't worry. I am fine thanks to Brandon.." Stella said while looking at Brandon and returning her eyes towards Seashell again.

"That's great!! Thank you for protecting my mistress Brandon! But Stella do u like me to be ur bonded  dragon?? " Seashell asked with hopeful eyes.

"Oh Seashell of course that would be cool. I couldn't ask for a better dragon!!" Stella replied happily.

"Yay!!!" Seashell shouted while lifting Stella onto her back. Brandon' s dragon Flash came and did the same.

"Let's get this Dragon training started!!" Stella and Brandon said in unison while soaring into the bright blue sky.

Well this chap is over. What do you think?? Well see ya guys next chap🌹🌹🌹😉😉😉

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