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Well after the magical pets were born, our fairytale heroes were very happy!!

" Sis, this is so cool. I can't believe you and Brandon both got horses. It Doesn't happen normally?" Shella asked when she saw Pearl while stroking her.

"Well yeah I guess. But I am surprised as you!"Stella replied.

"Ahhhh....twins watch out!!!"Craig came shouting as he was riding Brandon's horse. Stella was lucky enough but not Shella. She bumped into the horse and went flying into something!! Or Someone!!!

"Ouch!!" A voice which made Shella's heart beat like million times said.

It was Ben Beast!! Now both of them were lying together on the floor. Thier younger twins, Stella and Brandon were laughing their head offs.

" Hahahaha.... This....is...Soo ....funny!!!" Brandon exclaimed while rolling on the floor like a five year old.

" Well.... Just look at their faces!!! Just like two ripe tomatoes!!!" Stella laughed along with Brandon while rolling on the floor too.

"Shut it down sis/bro!!!" Shella and Ben shouted at their twins together but still blushing crimson red.

Stella and Brandon didn't stop until Pro.Beauty came. Now she was very strict but also very kind.

"Brandon, Stella!! What is the meaning of this!??! Both of you stand up at once!! You both belong to very important families. A Beast and an Ariel never acts like this!!" Brandon's Grandma finished while looking at her youngest grandson and her best friend's granddaughter. Pro. Beauty and H.Ariel were the best of friends. So she did care for her best friend's granddaughters like she cared for her own grandsons.

"Sorry Grandma/Pro. Beauty!!" Both of them said together while hanging down thier heads down.

"Well you will be excused for now but next time both of you will have a nice time in detention with me! Well now go!" She said while going away.

"Whew!! that was close. Our granny is so strict!! " Brandon said while wiping sweat away from his for.ehead and standing up. He gave a hand for Stella to take. She blushed lightly but still took his hand mega fastlty. Shella and Ben shared a secret wicked grin together. Brandon saw it but shrugged it off when they smiled at him sweetly but still it was fake.

"Students please report to your classes immediately!!" H.Ariel announced through the speakers.

Why do you think she called them into class immediately?? Well see ya guys next chap . Hope u liked this!!😉😉😉

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