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Dedicated to Little_Angel191 and Saschy123

"Ariel just give me those powers! You will never win this battle!!" Ursala boomed over towards the panting but still brave Ariel.

"What! You will never win this Ursala and you will never get my granddaughter or grandson!" Ariel shouted back. The horrible sea witch had anger clearly in her eyes. She began shoting spells towards the Headmistress. This battle was gonna last for longer time than anyone hoped for but what if some heroes takes the spotlight in this battle.

While at the Rachel's cousin house.....

"Mom! Tell me!! How can you leave me when this horrible battle is going on! Tell me!!" Camilla screamed with tears flowing down on her lovely face. She was clearly worried about her cousins,  Rachel and Paul. All three of the cousins  were close as Stella and Shella were.

"Camilla! Please listen! This has to stop!" Her mom who was Rachel's favorite aunt shouted back looking at her 15 year old daughter with worried eyes.

"You will not stop me!! I am gonna go and help my cousins! They are more important to me than anything! I can't let anything to happen to them! Good Bye!" Camilla cried as she ran out and mounted her dragon Sunny. She had been sick the first few days of school and so Camilla couldn't go to her dream school. Her dream had been to go to school with her two favorite cousins and learn how to be a proper royal but that was gonna change soon.....

Lets go to Shawk now

"Doctor will she be ok??" Shawk asked as he stared at Myrrah who was lying peacefully on a bench.

" Shawk, Myrrah was hit by a really powerful spell which can only be broken by a powerful but rare magical herb. It's called the Moonlight Star. Someone will have to go to the land of Golden Times and collect that flower but that wouldn't be easy. Terrible troubles are located in that tricky land!" Dr. LeFrog explained as he watched the shaking Snow White pacing around the room.

"Doctor that someone to collect that flower will be me! I will-" Shawk got cut off.

"It will not be easy Shawk! You need to be really careful when dealing with things like this!" The LeFrog Professor said but he knew he would never be able to stop the determined Snow White.

"No! I am going! No one can stop me! Please sir you gotta help me! Please allow me to go!" Shawk pleaded. He knew if he asked his grandmother he would never be able to go. She was too protective of him. Even his parents.

"Shawk this....ok you may go! But- " He got cut off by high-pitched scream which attacked Shawk heart like an arrow. He knew his younger cousin's scream anywhere.

Let's go to the Battle............

"Alyna watch out!" Luke screamed as he finished destroying a monster but Alyna wasn't so lucky. She was hit directly and Luke had also jumped in front of her in hoping to save her but Alyna quickly moved Luke and she took the attack. 

"NOOOOO!!!!" Luke screamed as he felt hot tears of anger going down his face.

"You little creature!! You are gonna pay for this!! AGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Luke screamed with fury in his voice as he shouted really loudly.

" Weapon Magic! Sword Attack!!" The charming yelled And then a boost of swords went flying towards the evil sea witch.

"AHHH!! Who dares to attack me!?" She shouted as she scanned the battlefield but her eyes stayed glued onto the charming who was looking at her as though he was getting ready to kill her, which he was.

" Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it! Triton attack!" Luke shouted as a swarm of tritons began going towards Ursala. She destroyed all of the tritons in one flick of her magical staff which was full of evil sea magic.

"Well...well....someone is brave today aren't they?? Let's see-hm...Oh I know how to bring you down!" She said smirking evilly as she secretly took the poor Alyna who was lying down. Luke had his eyes wide opened with shock and anger together because of what he saw.

"Hey put Alyna down you nasty pest!" Luke bellowed as he was getting ready to attack but he stopped mid air at what he saw that was gonna happen. Ursala had opened some kind of magical gateway which seemed really terrifying.

"Aww...look at the poor boy who was playing hero time before but now.....HAHA....Well...." Ursala snickered as Luke watched in Horror as Alyna was lowered into the portal and she was released into it.

"NOOOO!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!!! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR IT!!!" Luke howled as he was getting his wand ready but he wasn't quick enough. He was suddenly pushed into the portal as well and both Alyna and Luke were sucked into it. But something spell binding was gonna happen to both of them.....

When Shawk came it was too late. Both of his cousin and friend had gone!

" YOU FREAKING UGLY PIG!!!! I HATE U!!! I AM GO-" Shawk's shouting got cut off by a voice which was full of determination and bravery.......

Well what do u guys think?? I deleted the last chapter because it seemed a bit boring. Well hope you enjoyed this one! See ya next chap!

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