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In this chapter when we come across ladynoir Adrien's mom will be alive and Hawkmoth would be some other person plus Gabriel would be nice! I just had to make some changes. Well hope you will enjoy it anyway!

Dedicated to TheLearningSpirit

The Ball had been over now for a long time. All of the students were so tired that some even tried sleeping during Royalessembly time.

"Well students welcome. Now it's time to get things started as the usual! We- Ahhhhh!!" Suddenly a terrible earthquake began spreading across the whole Palatial Academy. H.Ariel screamed but calmed down and shouted "Students Please get out of here as soon as possible!" But before the students could go through the main doors they all were transported into the main school grounds and a figure that no one had wanted to see appeared before their eyes. It was Ursala!! She had come to collect the rare powers that were contained in the royal bodies of Stella and Brandon but she said something that was more worrying than ever.

"Hello Ariel did you miss me? Well don't worry if you just would give ur precious grandchildren to me I would leave you alone completely! Oh and also I need to additional powers. Your only grandson and Rupunzel's youngest granddaughter!!" Ursala shouted in a voice that made everyone tremble in fear. 

"Stella! Brandon! Craig! and Rachel! You four have to get going to earth. Its not safe here for you! That terrible sea witch is after you! Please take this letter and go and give to a good friend's of your mother Stella and Rachel's too. Her name is Mrs. Sabine Dupain-Cheng. You will find her in a Bakery in a famous city called Paris! Stella and Rachel you two would be going there and Brandon and Craig will go to the Agreste Mansion. Mr.Agreste is good friend of your father Brandon and urs too Craig. He also lives in Paris! Now get going!" H.Ariel finished explaining the plan. Before any of our heroes could say anything they were taken through the magical portal into an amazing adventure that they never expected.

While in Paris!

"Pound it!" The superhero duo finished with their usual fistbump. 

"Well m'lady I better get going! I will see ya tomorrow!" Before ladybug could say anything ,Chat Noir went jumping from building to building disappearing in the darkness. Ladybug smiled but she didn't know that something amazing was about to happen to her that would change her life forever. Chat Noir had the same thing instored for him.

While at the magical portal on earth

"Ehhh....Where are we?" Stella groaned as she fell down trumbling from a rock.

"I don't exactly know!" Rachel said rubbing her head in confusion.

"I remember now!" Both of the friends said together but before they could say anything else they noticed two boys who looked familiar but still couldn't make up who they were. H.Ariel had made Stella and Rachel forget who Brandon and Craig were for their own safety. The same for the boys but they had forgotten who the girls were. But they remembered each other. First all of them stared at each other in confusion.

"Ummm...Who are u guys?" Stella asked.

"Well I am Brandon Be-I mean Brandon B. and this is Craig A.! What about you girls?" Brandon answered the question.

"I am Stella Ar- Nope sorry! Its Stella A. while this is my best friend Rachel R!" Stella finished.

"Well hope we see you guys around! Bye!" Craig shouted while taking Brandon by his hand and leading him out of the dark alleyway. The girls stared at them in confusion but still shouted back " Yeah see ya guys!" together. They all remembered what H.ariel had told them. never reveal their true identity to anyone except to the family they were gonna meet.

Stella and Rachel crossed the street and arrived at the famous Bakery by following the instructions H.Ariel had given them. When they opened the doors they were greeted by the sweet smell of freshly baked goods. Marinette was their near the cashier and smiled when the two girls came forward to talk to her.

"Welcome! What may we serve you today?" Marinette asked with her usual bubbly personalities. 

"Hi! We were wondering if you knew someone called Mrs.Sabine Dupain-Cheng?" Rachel asked looking hopefully at Marinette.

"Well-" Mari was cut of by the voice of her mom.

"Umm.... I heard someone say my name? Who is it sweetheart?" Sabine asked while coming out of the kitchen.

"Well its these two nice girls here!" Marinette said while smiling towards her soon to be Best Friends.

"Hi you must be Mrs.Sabine Dupain-Cheng! I am Stella and this is Rachel. My granny gave this to me to give it to you!" Stella said while giving the letter that her granny gave her to Sabine. She took it and read it. After that she smiled and said.........

Well guys that's all for today!!! There would be more of Ladybug and Chat Noir next chapter! See ya next chap! Hope you enjoyed it so far!!

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