🌸🌸🌸🌸 Chap8 🌸🌸🌸🌸

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Well the new students Alyna, Shawk, and Myrrah were heading of to class together with Stella, Brandon, Craig and Rachel.

"Welcome dear students. Now you will be dividing in either threes or twos for today's assignment. Today you will be creating potions to summon your own magical pet. The first 3 teams to finish first will get the honour of summoning their own magical pet. The others will be graded according to their effort. So now everyone get to work!" Dr. LeFrog concluded.

"OK guys lets get divided. What if Craig and I go together while Stella and Brandon partner up!?" Rachel enquired while looking around at her friends.

Stella was smirking while looking at her cousin with develish eyes.

"Yeah lets get divided like that! What do you boys think?" Stella asked while looking at Brandon and Craig both but still keeping a steel look on her cousin.

"Thats fine by me!" Brandon said.

"Yeah I agree with Brandon!" Craig said while blushing lightly but still looking up straightly but failing to hide that blush. Fortunately for him his partners were too busy focusing on their own job.

(Well now heading to the new students)

Well As the three new students were on the same team and there were only three of them, so all of them were working on the potion together.

Shawk kept on staring at Myrrah with dreamy eyes. Myrrah was working on the potion but was too blind to notice that she was getting dreamy stares by the One and only Shawk Snow White  but Alyna noticed just like an Eagle. Alyna was just like Stella. Nothing can escape her eyes. She pulled on smirk on her face and went towards Shawk. She lightly tapped on his shouder but continued smirking like a Cheshire Cat.

"So you like Myrrah , right Shawk? I did notice you staring at her continuosly! So spill the big secret!" Alyna began asking Shawk with a tint of excitement hidden in her Dark blue eyes.

"Alyna stop! I wasn't staring at her.... Well ...Ok .....maybe I was but still it was in mistake!!" Shawk replied while blushing really hard. 

It wan't normal for Shawk to blush. He would never blush because he never really liked a girl before but now It was going to change. It was obvious that Shawk really liked Myrrah but he didn't have the courage to express his feelings yet.

"OK .... Well yes I might have a teensy weensy crush on her but don't go telling this to everyone. SPECIALLY NOT TO MYRRAH!!!!!!!" Shawk whisper shouted towards Alyna.

" Do not worry Noble Sir. Your valuable secret is safe with me!" Alyna mentioned while doing a dramatic bow and a smile.

Shawk rolled his eyes but still gave a warm smile.

"Ummm... Guys!?? Would you might be able to help me with this potion?" Myrrah asked while looking towards her two friends with a confused look.

"Off..Ccoursee... Mmmyrrahhh.... It wouuuld be my pleaasure!" Shawk replied stuttering. He was blushing but it increased when Myrrah gave him a heart melting smile.

 He was blushing but it increased when Myrrah gave him a heart melting smile

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(Imagine him coloured in the second picture but he looks like the boy in the first picture)

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(Imagine him coloured in the second picture but he looks like the boy in the first picture)

Alyna was giggiling secretly while watching the whole drama.

Well guys its a short chapter but hope you enjoyed. I will write the next part soon!! Bye see ya guys at the next chapter!!

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