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This is dedicated to LanonaWalker

Stella and Brandon been really lucky to be saved from those fangirls.

"That was close! And Stella thanks for saving me!" Brandon said.

"Oh! Its my pleasure!" Stella replied back.

Both of them were super tired from running. Unlike her cousin, Stella wasn't much of a runner. Craig was considered to be the fastest runner on land and fastest swimmer in the sea. On the other hand Stella was the Best Rider of all. She could ride any type of animal. She and Craig were the only two ones who had the ability to talk to animals among the whole Ariel family.

"Well Stella what do u think about the Ball?" Brandon asked while looking curiously at Her.

"I think its going to be a blast!" Stella answered.

Ok Beast! Your gonna do this! You can do this! Just believe in yourself! Ok here goes nothing!

"Umm.....well Stella I was wondering whether ......well.....you would like to be my date to the Ball?" Brandon asked while looking at Stella's shining blue eyes.

Stella had the same face as Myrrah in the last chapter. " Brandon that would be wonderful! Thank you!" Stella said while beaming with a Happy Face.

(Time Skip to Craig and Rachel)

"Are u ok Rachel?" Craig asked worried because beside him Rachel was panting after running.

"Don't...worry...I..I...am...Fine!" Rachel replied while panting but still having a happy face.

"I am glad and OH! Hey there little birdie! How are you today?" Craig asked a little bird who had just landed on his arm. He and the bird began having a little conversation. When he turned his head around his met with the confused face of Rachel.

"Oh sorry I didn't tell you sooner! But In our Family Me and Stella are the only ones who have the ability to talk to Animals." Craig answered while looking happy but it changed to a Serious face.

"Um.. Rachel I was thinking if you would like to be my date to the Ball??" Craig asked while looking at her blushing.

"Oh Craig I would love too!!" Rachel said while throwing her arms around Craig. He returned the Hug.

All the other boys asked other girls to the Ball. You can discover them at the Ball!! So hope you guys enjoyed!! See ya next chap very soon!! and its gonna be about the ball!!!

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