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I thought of dedicating this chapter too my all new friend on Wattpad Astoria_SnowWhite

Well Paul was really really nervous.

"Ummm.... I was wondering if u would like to go to the ball with me?" He asked from Bella while looking from his gorgeous Purple eyes. His Pinkish Red hair was shining under the sun.

"Really you wanna go to the ball with me?? I would love too!!" Bella replied while giving him a huge a hug.

Paul blushed but was internally screaming!! He returned the Hug while smiling like the old funny Cheshire cat.

Both of them were in 7th heaven.

(Time Skip to Myrrah and Shawk)

They were luckier than Paul and Bella. As Myrrah was walking alongside Shawk she began thinking about the Ball.

Hmm.... I wonder who I will go to the ball with. Well I wish I was only going with Shawk. But I don't think he would ask me?? Would He?? I mean he is soo famous that girls have hearts in their eyes when they see him!!! Oh well,.........

On the other hand Shawk was wondering something else.

Well....what if I ask her now?? Should I??? I mean what if she refuses? OH MY ICEFROST!! This is so harder than I thought!

Well Shawk took a deep breath and started a conversation up but inside him it was like he was on fire at a  Camp side.

"Umm...Mmmyyrrahh..... I wwwass .....Well....Wondering.....do u like ice cream??" Shawk asked nervously while scolding himself as he ended the last part sounding stupid. OH MY FREAKING GOD!! What did I just say?? Now I am doomed!!!

Myrrah looked slightly confused but gave an answer with a bright smile. But inside she was feeling really sad. She had thought that he was going to ask her the big question about the ball.

"Well yep I sure do! I mean who doesn't??" Myrrah said while looking surprised but still feeling a little bit upset.

Shawk gave her a fake smile while saying " Yeah Of course!! Who doesn't like ice cream?? hehe!!"

OK Shawk deep breaths. YOU CAN DO THIS. YOUR A SNOW WHITE. SNOW WHITES CAN DO ANYTHING!!! OK well here goes nothing. Shawk had never felt this nervous before.

He turned to Myrrah feeling Brave but when his eyes met with her Shining Green Coloured Eyes the nervous part of his personality  arose from its nap.

"Ummm...Well....Myrrah....I ....Well.....was.....wondering.....whether...you would do me the honour of being my date to the ball??" Shawk asked her while saying the last part super fast.

Myrrah looked Speechless. She had her mouth opened wide. Well ok it wasn't that wide. ANyway she couldn't believe what she had just heard. She was being asked to the ball by the prince of her dreams. IT was the best moment ever for Myrrah!!!!!!

"Oh Shawk it would so wonderful coming with you to the ball!! Thank you so much for asking me!!" Myrrah practically screamed with Happiness.

Shawk gave her his most dazziling smile but after a few seconds he felt something warm on his cheek. Myrrah suddenly realised what she just did and pulled away quickly. You could miatake Shawk for a ripe tomato. He was blushing really hard.

On the hand Myrrah was in the same puddle of blushing as her crush. She was just like a Red Strawberry which was ready to be picked.

OH MY GOSH!! She just gave me kiss on the cheek!! Oh it felt as though I was in heaven. AHHH. She is so amazing.

OH MY IVY FLOWER!!!! What did I just do?? OK Well calm down!! Nothing bad is gonna happen!! Ok calm down.

While Shawk was day dreaming about the best moment of his life,  Myrrah was thinking really really hard. She couldn't believe what she had just done!!

"Ummm.. Myrrah?? MYRRAH??? MYRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!????? Hello ARE YOU THERE??'' Shawk asked but it actually was shouting

"Oh yes! Sorry I just spaced out a bit!!" Myrrah replied while smiling.

"Well we should get going!!" Shawk said while taking the hand of Myrrah into his hand. He really did blush but still did not let go of his dream princess's soft hand.

Myrrah blushed but still did not let go either. Both of them were like that until they reached their classes..............

Well guys what do think?? Well hope you liked it!! See ya next chap!!

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