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Dedicated to  SnowflakeEnchantress

"Well I guess  ur real names are Stella Ariel and Rachel Rupunzel? Right?" Sabine asked while looking with a face full of happiness. Tom had the same expression. But on the other hand Marinette looked blank. She just couldn't figure out what was happening.

"Ummm...Can someone please explain what's exactly happening here?" Marinette asked looking at each face but stopping at her mother's.

"My dear, there is a very big secret that we have been hiding from you and I guess now is the time to reveal the truth. You belong to a very important family. You are a Mulan!" Sabine said beaming at her daughter with happiness.

Marinette looked shocked. She still couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Marinette there is another land called the Fairytale Realm! In that land the fairy tales have come to be alive. Stella and Rachel here are from very important fairytales and so are you!" Sabine said looking seriously at her daughter. Marinette's confused face turned into a big smile.

"What really!?? That's so cool. I can't believe it!" Mari said while staring at her new friends with a big smile.

"Yes! I am Stella Ariel, the youngest granddaughter of Queen Ariel and King Eric, while this is my best friend Rachel Rupunzel, youngest granddaughter of Rupunzel! and I guess your the granddaughter of Mulan!" Stella finished explaining to Marinette.

"This is so miraculous!" Marinette shouted while going over and hugging the two girls to death. Well ok not to death but you get the idea.

"Stella and Rachel will be staying with us for the time being. They will go to school with you Marinette and they will become your cousins that have come to study here from China." Tom explained to the girls. Marinette looked as she could explode with happiness. She had never had anyone stay at her house for so long. Well except her Best Friend Alya. But still she had only stayed for one day sleepovers. 

Sabine explained the reason Stella and Rachel were staying to our all new Mulan. She was jumping up and down with excitement at the marvellous news she had just heard. 

"Well now Stella and Rachel would be staying in Marinette's room and tomorrow you will get going to your all new school. I will enrol you both today itself. So now all of you get out and take a stroll in the park, while Sabine and I finish arranging your room Marinette!" Tom practically shouted while pushing all the three girls out before any of them could protest.

"So from tomorrow onwards you will become Dupain-Chengs!" Marinette said as they all arrived at the park.

"Yep we sure will but Marinette your actually a Mulan! It means your a princess!" Rachel said while twirling around breathing the fresh air that is spread throughout the park.

"I- Oh no!" Stella suddenly shouted and began running towards a man who had fallen down by some gang of boys.

"Hey you idiots get away from him! He didn't do anything to you!" Stella screamed with fury in her voice at the Boys while she helped the old man up.

"Well what will you do? Call the cops? Haha! Now look whose the looser!" The bad boys began laughing at Stella. She couldn't contain her anger any longer. Suddenly a huge light covered those boys and lifted them up and up to a tree they went. But Stella wasn't done yet. But before she could attack anymore her two friends came running towards her and held her hands back.

"Let me go! I am not done with those losers yet! I have to teach them a lesson they would never ever forget! So let me go guys! Let me go!" Stella kept on shouting but Rachel and Marinette kept a firm hold of Stella. She calmed down slowly. Those stupid boys had fallen down from the tree and now were running for their lives!! It was so funny to watch! The old man approached Stella and said "My dear thank you very much for saving me! How can I ever repay you!".

"Oh please sir, do not worry! It was my pleasure to help you! I just hate those kind of boys. They really are losers!" Stella said smiling towards the man. He smiled back and began walking away. A big sound was heard and that caught Rachel's attention. The old man from before was crossing the street but was going to be hit by a car! Rachel sprung into her running skills and began advancing rapidly towards the man. She pushed him on time out of the road before that car could hit him! It was close save.

"Thank you my dear for saving me again! Well I should get going!" the man said walking away quickly before Rachel could say anything.She looked confused but shrugged it off when her friends approached her.

"It's weird isn't it! The same man was in trouble two times and we both saved him at different times Stella!!" Rachel said as they were going back to the Bakery.

"Yeah that's completely true!" Stella answered back when they went inside the bakery and greeted Marinette's parents and began going upstairs to Marinette's room. What they didn't know that something amazing was awaiting for them in the room...........

And Boom! Cliffhanger!

So Guys what do you think!? Well hope you liked it! See ya next chap!

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