Accidental Confessions - Ultra Magnus X Reader (Smut)

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 "I love you!“

 The words slip from your vocalizer before you can approve of them. Ultra Magnus, much like the rest of Team Prime, stands in front of you, surprised at what you’ve said.

 His expression stands out to you the most of course, lips parted ever so slightly, a bright rush of blue Energon flowing to his faceplate. His blue optics are wide, scanning your face for any sign that this is a joke or you hadn’t meant to say that.

 Really, you hadn’t meant to say it here. And now. With all of the team, superior officers (whom you just confessed your love for), leaders, friends…everyone. All at once. It wasn’t something private and sacred as it should’ve been, even though your optics were locked on Magnus like he was the only thing in the world.

 In that moment, he was.

 "I…I don’t…(Y/N),” he sputters, trying to get the right words but finds none.

 "I’m sorry-“ you say, embarrassed, then turn to the door. "I - I’ll be leaving.”

 You can’t bear to look at Magnus’s face before you walk down the hall to your quarters.

 Ultra Magnus stands, flustered, unsure of what had just happened and more unsure of how he was supposed to handle it. His vocalizer, like the rest of his body, has seemed to offline.

 Except his spark. His spark is swelling with love and hurt and frustration as he watches you disappear down the hall.

 He finally wills himself to turn to Optimus. “Permission to-”

 "Granted, Ultra Magnus,“ Optimus nods.

 And the Autobot lieutenant marches down the hall, shoulders swinging. He knocks firmly on the door to your quarters, trying to keep his emotions in check and his face stoic.

 You open the door. You already look miserable, as well frustrated.

  "Is…is there something I can do for you, s-sir?” You stutter, looking everywhere but his optics.

 "(Y/N), let me in.“ He says, gentler than his normal tone but still firm.


 "That was an order.“

  Magnus curses himself and his authority under his breath at the surprised look you give him, before stepping aside so he can enter your berthroom.

  "We, uh, we need to talk, sir?”

  “Ultra Magnus. And I believe we do.”

  “Look..” you sigh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Let’s just pretend I never said that.”

  He looks suprised. “You didn’t?” His faceplate seems to sink, but it’s hard to catch.

  “I- I did! It’s just…I probably shouldn’t have said that there and then. I embarrassed you. I wouldn’t really be surprised if you didn’t want to see me anymore-”

 "You didn’t embarrass me, (Y/N). Nor do I not want to see you.“ He steps closer to you, and your breathing hitches at the proximity. "I love you, too.”

 You look up, finally meeting his optics. It’s a long moment before he hesitantly leans forward. You lean upward, optics fluttering shut as your lips come ever closer to meeting.

 They finally do, a warm sensation running through your lips and spark. He’s gentle, lips moving against yours slowly and sweetly. His servos cup your face, like you’re glass, his other hand tugging you flush to his body.

 The kiss ends, both parties ending it reluctantly. You stare into the blue hue of his optics, occasionally flickering down to the lips that had just so sweetly kissed yours.

 Hunger for his touch overrides your logic sensors, and you kiss him again. You’re shocked but delighted as he hoists you on to his waist, your legs wrapping tightly around him.

“Do you…” he asks breathlessly, and you see a hint of blue blush in his cheeks.

He’s so fragging adorable, you think. And hot as hell.

“Yes. Only if you want to, Ultra Magnus.”

“Of course.” Is his answer.

He sets you down on the berth, climbing on top of you so you’re face-to-face. You bring his lips down to yours again, thrusting your hips up in an anxious motion. He moans into your mouth.

You open your panel, hot and eager, and Magnus kisses you once more, his servos inching down to your valve, digits teasing above the puffy lips of it, wet with your fluids.

You gasp as his cool fingers caress your most sensitive area, gasping and jerking away involuntarily from Magnus.

 He holds you firmly underneath him, you squirming with pleasure and kissing him deeply.

 Then he inserts a finger inside your valve.  You scream in pleasure, digits gripping the sheets of your berth.

 He thrusts is digits quickly, watching your face carefully. He flatters you with comments on how beautiful you are, kissing your face along with it.

 Your overload washes throughout your system, and you nuzzle your face into Ultra Magnus’s shoulder as it does.

 "Magnus,“ you gasp, leaning back on the berth, breathing heavily. "I need you…inside me.”

 "Of course, my love.“ He says, his panel sliding open his own panel, and lining up his sizable spike at your valve entrance. "Are you ready?”

 "Yes,“ you say.

  He nods, entering you with a thrust of his hips. You scream, whimpering into his chest as he groans in pleasure.

 "Move, Magnus, please!”

 Magnus moves, thrusting in and out of you with increasing speed. You feel like your seeing stars, pleasure and love for Ultra Magnus enveloping you.

 "I’m going to overload!“ You cry.

 "My love,” Ultra Magnus, groans, his eyes closing briefly.

 You both overload, Magnus gripping you just as tightly as you are, and your surprised the pleasure of it didn’t short circuit all of your systems!

 Magnus falls on to the space beside you, both of you breathing heavily. You turn to him, your legs still quivering from the wonderful interface, and he takes your hand.

 "I love you.“

 "Me too,” you smile, and Magnus pulls you close to his chest, both of you falling into a warm recharge.

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