Dance Partner - Windblade X Reader

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Windblade was beautiful.

With curves like soft knolls and gleaming paint, a crown headband perched atop a roll of black shining metal, glowing optics the color of Earth's sky and a breathtaking smile gifted to you.

That didn't change how much of an- to us the word Denny might've- "asshole" she appeared to be when she first walked through the doors of the scrapyard.

Something about her frustrated you. The way she called Sideswipe "Slick" or the preening way she held herself, like Knockout would back on Cybertron. The bragging way she said, "Yeah, that Primus."

You frequently exchanged exasperated glances with Strongarm, groaning and scoffing at the proud femme.

She tried to harm humans, saying it was an appropriate sacrifice as she boasted at her possible ability to destroy the Decepticon, should Strongarm let her.

So it surprised you as she stepped down from her throne of pride and approached you and Strongarm with sincerity written on her features.

She apologized to your best friend for not realizing the insanity of her own plan, for refusing to listen.

Then she turned to you, her sky-blue optics meeting yours. "Look, (Y/N), I can only hope you'll forgive me. I really....admire you."

You stand, frozen, your mouth agape and your eyes concentrated on her like she's the only thing in the world. A warm feeling spread inside your spark, one you never felt before.

She smirks at you, then transforms and lifts herself above you.


Strongarm has to shake your arm to get you to even move. You transform into your own jet form, trying to keep yourself from flying too close to Windblade.

"You know," Strongarm says over your private comm. "I think someone has a crush."

"Shut up," you mumble. "You have a crush on Sideswipe."

"Shut up," she says back.

A fucking bargaining chip. That's what Steeljaw was using her for.

Fix-It had managed to pick up on a frequency in the area, and from what it sounded like the 'Cons knew very well you and the team were listening.

"You know, it's a shame we have to do this. You're so pretty," Steeljaw purrs. Your fists clench at your sides.

Screams followed, and you immediately recognized them as Windblade's. You wished you never had to hear them again, you wished you didn't know what they sounded like to begin with. But you did.

Gasps replaced the screams as Steeljaw continued. "I think your friends are coming. They're re too good to leave you to suffer."

"Where is that coming from?" You ask Fix-It, a hint of a threat lurking in your voice.

"(Y/N)-" Bumblebee intrudes.

"I have to find her, lieutenant," you say, raising a hand to stop him. "Fix-It. Where?"

He gives you the coordinates, and you transform into vehicle mode and drive off, despite the protests of your comrades and looming future punishments for when you get back.

You drive through the woods, Windblade's screams still ringing in your ears.

Until you realize in horror that those screams are not a memory, but real-time.

The thought of what they're doing to her makes you push yourself to your top speed, finally skidding to a stop at your destination.

No Deceptions wait to greet you. It's obviously a trap, that you would walk into again and again to save Windblade.

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