Bite - IDW Starscream X Reader

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  The Cybertronian music, upbeat and techno, suddenly filtered out into a slow song. You drifted away from laid back small talk you were having with Moonracer, and looked for a dance partner.

   Two servos roughly spun you around. You gasped, arm transforming into a blaster. You pressed it into the bot's spark chamber.

   A chilling laugh came from the mechs vocalizer, one you knew all too well. Starscream.

  "There's no need to do that, sergeant," he says, and you see his evil smirk.

   You slowly put your gun away, knowing what would happen if someone caught you about to kill the leader of Cybertron. You force yourself to get into the proper position. You don't want to make a scene. Plus, Starscream wasn't all that awful, when it comes to his frame.

   "There's no need for you to touch me like that," you growled back. "Warn me next time."

   "But where's the fun in that?"

   "The fun is that I don't blow you to smithereens."

   "You know what would happen if you did that."

   "I'd spent eons in jail if it meant getting rid of you."

   He leans in close, straining his delicious neck cables and whispers in your audial. "Mmm, but would you really do that?"

   "Perhaps I would," you say.

   He spins you around again, and dips you. Your legs kicks up in the arm, and you make it graze Starscream's cheek.

   "Rude," he says. "You're lucky I didn't drop you."

   "I'm not fragile."

   "Oh, I know." He demonstrates by scratching a line across your mid-section, and you hiss at him, pushing his clawed finger backwards.

   You growls. "Are you going to fight me at my own ball, sergeant?"

   "Maybe, Lord Starscream," you spit the words.

   "I have people that would shot you on the spot," he says.

  You decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. "Hmm, but would you really do that?"

   He growls and spins you again, wrenching your arm backwards and pulling your back close to his chassis. "Perhaps."

   You smirk. Then you bring your servo upwards and trail your digits down the side of his face. He stumbles backwards and releases your arm, and you swoop him downwards as part of the dance.

   Then you pull his back up, and grab his servo to get back into position. He rests his own servo in your shoulder.

   "Well played," is all he says. His EM field is filled with surprise, and he quickly pulls it in close.

   "I know it was," you tell him.

   Just another move in Starscream's deadly game.

   You saw Jazz getting ready to turn off the main lights and switch over to the strobe lights as the song ended, so you suddenly pull Starscream's face close to yours.

   "What the frag are you doing, Autobot?"

   "Something I'll probably regret."

   Then you press your lips to his. It's a rough kiss, denta grinding together. Starscream's claws dig into your shoulder plating in surprise. Then he kisses you back just as roughly.

   The lights go out for an astrosecond, and you tug Starscream's lip between your teeth, and then let go.

   When the strobe lights come on, the last thing he sees of you that night is your spoiler, and then you melt back into the crowd.

   Stupid Autobots, he thinks.

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